Chapter 15

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Amy clutched her stomach as it throbbed painfully and she slowly made her way to her next class. She had no idea what just happened but she definitely knew that she was not going to tell anyone about it. Amy had seen the guilt in the eyes of the girl who punched her and she didn't want to get her in trouble. At least, until she found out the reason why the girl actually punched her.

Amy looked at her schedule and her eyes widened in surprise. She had French again. She couldn't help but groan at the thought that she might get back the results of the surprise test her class had earlier that day. Most probably, the teacher would realise what a horrible student she was and how terribly she was going to fail her final exam.

When she actually reached the classroom, she was much later than she expected and the teacher narrowed her eyes at Amy for disrupting, making her flush in shame and scurry to an empty seat.

"Now, class, I have finished marking your test and let me say, that your results are absolutely atrocious. There were only eight people who actually managed to pass the exam. Eight people in a class of twenty! What have you all been doing when I was teaching you? We need to get serious. Your exams are getting nearer by the day and you all are not getting any better. All those who failed, meet me after class, I want to talk to you all," she said before she started distributing the papers.

Amy stared at her test paper. The word '10' was written in red and Amy grimaced as she realised that she only got one-tenth of the result she was hoping for. Alright, it was crazy to think that she could get a full score for the test but it wouldn't have hurt if the teacher marked the test more leniently. After all, she wasn't a genius!

The class ended after countless lectures and glares from the teacher and Amy found herself standing at the front of the class, among the crowd that had failed the test.

"I don't have enough time to give you all extra classes because I have lots of commitments after school, so I have put together a list of our best students who are willing to train you all. I don't want to force you with someone you don't like, so here are the twelve students. Choose the person that you will prefer to be tutored by and tell me afterwards so I can assign you to them. Please don't choose the same students and fight over them," the teacher said before she pointed to the twelve names that she had written on the board.

Amy glanced at all the names on the board. She didn't know anyone whose name was there and she waited until everyone was done. When there was only one name remaining, she went to the teacher.

"I'll choose Jared," she said to the teacher who wrote it in her book.

Amy had no idea who Jared was but she was sure Liann or someone would help her with it. She walked out of the class and rushed to her next class. Shaky breaths were released from her mouth as her stomach continued aching, especially when she tried to run before she was late to her next class and got detention for it.

By the end of the day, Amy was worse than exhausted. Her fever returned and she was sweating profusely and the pain in her stomach only grew after her Physical Education class. Someone needed to tell the teacher that sit-ups are not a great exercise to do, especially after you get punched in the stomach.

Her pain was overpowered by curiosity, though. Why did the girl do that to her? She didn't seem like she wanted to punch Amy, so why did she do it anyways?

As Amy walked out of the school, she looked around for Uncle Noah's car. It was nowhere near her. Instead, her eyes caught on to the figure of the blonde girl who had punched her. Amy decided that there was no better time to confront her about it. After all, she couldn't just get punched and walk away quietly, could she?

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