28. Deceived

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(Greyson's POV)

All I can see from my vision is the vast expanse of a city, where at the sky afar rises a huge Mogadorian ship, almost the size of a city. There are building burning with dark smokes lifting up. There are other flying objects at the sky shooting at the ground with hazardous blue lights. I can see a gigantic figure of a Mogadorian filled with scars on his neck, his eyes are dark but not like of those vatborns. He is muscular but looks violent. Just by staring at him standing, it gives me goosebumps.

The Memory told me who he is before.

Setrakus Ra. The Beloved Leader. The Mogadorian leader.

I am in a dream but I am aware and I can feel everything. The difference is, it's clearer this time. As if the dream is real.

Setrakus Ra turn to my direction. He knows me. Even from afar, he can see me. He can feel me. He knows who and what I am.

"Thirteen," a voice surrounds everywhere. I got a feeling I'm surrounded as well with giant speakers, and Setrakus Ra is speaking through. "Yes, I know you. And I will come for you."

His body stays still at the distance. But he keeps on talking.

"I will take every last breath of you, Lorics. But if you tell me where Eleven, Twelve, and Fifteen are, you will be saved. I will be the one to take you from safety..."

I don't understand. Where is Fourteen? Where's my brother? Is he dead? Why is he not mentioning about my brother?

I can't trust him, he's deceiving me.

He stagger from his position, then point a massive Mog canon at my area. "Or die."

The last word becomes a ringing sound of Die... die... die...

I pin my hands to my ears, covering and wishing for the deafening echoes to stop.

"Thirteen!" This time looked more like he's shouting on me. "Face the consequence, Greyson!"

"GREYSON!" another voice yells.

Suddenly, I bolt up from the ground I'm lying at. I can feel my sweat.

"Oh, thank goodness, you're awake!" A girl leans in front of me. I can't see her face from the light behind her. But I notice her blond hair and familiar voice.

I sat up and narrow my eyes. "Clara?"
She surprises me with a tight hug as I hug her back. I can't believe it. Why is she here?

"W-where are we?" I ask, scanning the place after she pulls out.

"In my cell. They brought you here unconscious this morning," she says. "Can you get up?"

I try to stand up as she helps me. We are in another cell, but it's obvious everything looks like a cave. I know this is still part of the weird Mog tower.

"I'm glad you figured the message I gave you..."

"Yeah, such a smart move. But, seriously... why did they brought me here? I should be dead."

Clara hit my back. "Don't say that."

"Well, they took my Legacies... my power."

"Oh, Greyson..." she sighs.

She pulls me again for another hug. "You always scare me. I'm scared to lose you."

A smile creeps from my face. "You worry me the most." I scan the room again and realize we're alone. "Where are the other teenagers?"

Clara shakes her head. "Some are taken. Some are at the other cells. Some are..." she lets out a squeak, followed by a cry. I comfort her.

"Shhh, it's okay."

Hours passed and we can feel our stomach churning in hunger already. I was beginning to think that the Mogs will leave us here until we rot. But this has to stop. We ned to get to get out of here and help the others. This tower can't just block the entire bridge.

But I am hopeless without my legacies.

"What happened?" Clara speaks. We are sitting in a wall. Her head leans on my shoulder while we wait for nothing. I feel broken down as if this is the end. My wound from the dagger that Lt. Rolin-Ev threw at me throbs in pain.


"In your dream. You mentioned a weird word. Seticus r-"

"Setrakus Ra. It's a name," I say. "He's the Mogadorians' Beloved Leader. He shows up into my dream."

Clara looks at me. "Okay, I'm still shaken at everything that's been happening, alright? Last month you told me about you. And then, these M-mogs, they took me and captured me. Then everything is messed up."

"All is messed up, I agree," I say. "But I promise you, you will get out of here and I will take you back to Australia with your dad. I'm the one who put you into this..."

"Greyson..." she starts. "It's okay. I accepted it. I will fight with you."

I shake my head. "No, you can't. It's too dangerous. You can't go with me."

"Then I want dangerous," she says. "Just to be with you. I wanted to."

I give her a concerned eyes. She was that simple girl when I met her. But I can't believe she's saying that. Somehow, I feel happy. But I don't want anything to happen to her.

"Give me your hand," I say. She looks at me before she gives it to me. I hold on to it, intertwining my fingers to hers. "As long as I'm here, I'll protect you."

Clara smiles. "And as long as I'm here..."


"I'll... be your girl."

I laugh. "I'll be your man."

It's weird for us to say those things in a time like this. But we only have each other now. We are waiting for some miracle to happen and, I don't know... maybe wait for some plans to pop up. But the thing is, the Mogs don't need me anymore. They took my legacies already. Soon, who knows if they will suddenly take me and kill me?

No. I will protect my friends and Clara. I will help the first batch of Garde. I will have to find a way to escape from here.

Setrakus Ra will not use me.

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