Chapter Five

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I woke up early the next day. I wanted to make sure I was ready when Sin came to pick me up. I quickly hopped into the shower and brushed my teeth. Afterwards I walked into my closet and debated on what to wear. I had decided on a cute olive green dress the day before but I decided that it was just a little bit too dressy.

I didn't want Sin to think that I was trying to impress him.

I quickly grabbed a grey hoodie and my ripped light blue skinny jeans. Today would just be a chill day for me. Since I had washed my hair yesterday, It was wavy and frizzy. I quickly ran my brush through it before puling it into a high ponytail.

Looking at my clock I realized it was about the time I usually left for school. Sin hadn't knocked.

I had a bad thought that maybe he had forgotten that he was supposed to pick me up.

Growling, I slipped on my converse and grabbed my backpack before stomping out of the house. The air was cold outside, It was the beginning of september but it felt like it could snow any moment. I crossed my arms to try and stay warm.

Once i made it to Sin's door I firmly knocked on the cold wood.

After about thirty seconds the door swung open and revealed a mildly annoyed and significantly underdressed Sin Westbrook.

"Can I help you?" He asked sarcastically.

I sighed. "Did you forget about our transportation arrangements?" I asked calmly.

For some reason, I expected him to get embarrassed and apologize. Instead he leaned cockily against the door. "Those are some pretty big words, surely you didn't expect me to follow along with whatever you were saying."

I narrowed my eyes. "Seriously? Sheesh, you're not even dressed." I complained. He was in a loose white wife beater and baggy grey sweats. School was starting in an hour.

"I'm not a chick. It doesn't take me hours to get dressed. And I'm not leaving for another thirty minutes. I'm eating breakfast."

I simply stared at him. If we left in thirty minutes we would just make it before the bell rang.

"Fine." I finally said turning on my heel and attempting to walk down the porch. Sin reached out and grabbed my arm stopping me from leaving and shocking me simultaneously.

"We're not going to be late." He said in a low voice.

I was at a loss for words and before I could scramble up something to say he was walking back into the house and slamming the door. Shivering slightly I walked back into my house and slammed the door. Aiden was sitting at the kitchen table with a terrified looking Grace sitting next to him.

"It's freezing out there." I warned him pulling out the chair next to Grace.

Aiden was dressed in a white hoodie with a jean jacket and black ripped jeans. His long curly hair was pulled into a back ponytail and he looked like a male model. Grace on the other hand was wearing an orange long sleeve shirt with dark skinny jeans.

"I know." Grace said in her high angel voice. "I was trying to talk your brother into lending me a jacket." She finished sending Aiden a pleading smile.

I smiled as the seamlessly flirted with one another. I had been shipping them for years.

Tuning out of their convo, I walked to the fridge and decided if I was going to wait thirty minutes, I might as well eat breakfast. I decided on yogurt and bananas taking my food to the table to chat with Aiden.

"Are you going to the back to school party?" I asked trying to make it sound lame so he wouldn't want to go.

He shrugged carelessly. Aiden was so carefree it annoyed me. "I'm not really much of a party person."

Grace sighed. "I just hope I can get through a normal day of high school without having a panic attack."

I sent her a warm smile. "You're gonna rock it."

About five minutes later they left for the bus and I was in the kitchen alone with my yogurt. I wanted to get out a piece of paper and make a list of all the things Sin and I could talk about without the car ride being awkward but I didn't want to be obsessive. I had been dreading the car ride since He had dropped me off and I just wanted to get it over with and never talk to Sin again and marry Ian and have two kids...

After about twenty more minutes of brooding and pacing the doorbell finally rang. I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran to the door not even bothering to say anything to Sin.

"Someone is in a rush." He mumbled hitting something on his keys and unlocking the door.

I rolled my eyes and pulled the door open sitting in the passenger's seat. I recognized the smell of his car. It smelled exactly as it had the day before. Like leather and grease. It wasn't as unappealing as it sounded. Sin was chuckling as he lowered himself into the driver's seat.

"So you like to be prompt. I'll keep that in mind" he said in between chuckles.

When he turned and connected his eyes with mine all of the conversations I had planned evaporated. I nervously swallowed before breaking eye contact and staring out the window.

He started up the car and blasted the radio. Again it was the same loud music from yesterday. I shifted in my seat prepared to make myself comfortable for the long ride.


Sin parked his car right next to mine. When he turned off the loud music the car was filled with silence and Sin turned to look at me.

"Give me your keys, I'll jump the car and leave the keys under the seat." He said, holding a hand out.

I frowned. "Why don't you give them back to me in Government. That way you can just jump it later during your free period. I don't want you to be late."

Sin nibbled on his bottom lip and I did my best to not observe that activity. "I'm not going to be late, I'm ditching today."

I rolled my eyes. It was like he couldn't go three minutes without reminding everyone that h was the big bad wolf. "You shouldn't ditch Sin. It's senior year and the consequences-"

"You should mind your own business." He cut me off, snatching the keys I had held right out of my hands.

I froze. He had some serious bi-polar issues. He went hot and cold far too easily for my liking.

"Fine. Thanks for the help." I said curtly, unbuckling my seatbelt and opening my door. "I'll bring you the homework." I finished sarcastically.

He sent me a steely look. "Sure."

I didn't have time to play the pride game with him as I heard the bell go off. I quickly tightened my backpack straps and jogged to my first class.


True to his word, Sin's seat was empty in Government. And at the end of the uneventful day I found my keys under my seat just as he'd said they would be. When I started my car it purred to life and I smiled. He might be an asshole, but Sin was good for somethings. I got home in record time and I was already prepared for Ian to facetime me.

He'd said he would when we left class today and I had just calmly nodded.

Facetime was a whole different story than just calling. For facetime I had to look presentable, but not too good. I didn't ant him to think I had gotten all dressed up for him. Even though that was exactly what I was planning on doing.

I washed my face so that it was very bare and then applied a layer of chapstick to my lips. After that I pulled my hair free of the ponytail and brushed it out letting it fall down my back.

After checking myself out in the mirror I decided that I looked like I didn't try too hard and was just naturally flawless.

It was exactly the look I was going for.

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