Chapter Twenty Three

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I didn't hear from Ian for the rest of the day. I had sent him a couple of other texts asking him where he was but he hadn't given me an answer. Aiden had also been a no show. I had assumed he was with Grace.

Kody was also out doing whatever it was he did all day. I wasn't really worried about him. He was never much of a homebody.

Sin's car wasn't in his driveway.

I sighed. I was bored. I decided to try and call Ian one more time. When it went to voicemail I left him a quick message.

"Hey Ian, it's Rory again. I haven't heard from you all day. We really need to talk. Call me back."

I ended the call and immediately called Hayden.

She answered on the first ring. "Yes! Give me all the deets."

I laughed. Hayden was still suspended until Friday. She was craving human interaction.

I leaned back on my bed. "There's no deets. Ian is still ghosting me. I don't know Hayden maybe he-"

"Nope." She cut me off. "None of that over thinking shit. Just wait for him to call you or wait for me to come back to school. Two options baby."

I sighed.

"Now what's up with you and Sin?"

I widened my eyes. Hayden was my best friend and I hadn't told her about my Sin situation yet. "What do you mean?"

"I mean you guys made out a couple of nights ago. Was it awkward seeing him again?"

I let out a breath of relief. "Oh. No. He wasn't even in government. I haven't really spoken to him. I'm just going to forget we ever kissed."

Yeah. Right.

She squealed through the speaker causing me to pull my phone away from my ear. "Ah. I can't believe you made out with Sin. You're a legend."

I shrugged. "No one will ever find out."

"You're a legend to me then. You're doing senior year right Rors. I'm proud of you."

I cringed. "If you're proud then I may have to reflect."

I felt my phone buzzing signaling me receiving another call.

"I'll call you back Hade."

She mumbled a quick alright and I answered the phone seeing Ian's number.


I narrowed my eyes. He sounded sad. Like he had been crying.  "Hey Ian. What's wrong?"

"Babe can you meet me. I really need to talk."

I looked at the time. 10:26 pm. I could meet him.

"Yeah, where are you Ian?" I was really concerned. He didn't sound okay.

"I'm at a park, I send you my location."

I nodded my head before realizing he couldn't see me. "Okay Ian I'm on my way...Are you okay."

He hesitated to answer.  "Just hurry."

I sped like bat out of hell rushing to find Ian. A lot of horrible images were floating around in my head and I had to find a way to focus on reality. Ian was fine. I had just spoken to him.

But what about his family or his friends?

When I reached the park, I saw him immediately. He was sat on a swing dragging his feet in the dirt. He had a bottle of liquor in his hands.

I slowly walked over. " Ian, what happened?"

When he saw me his eyes lit up. "Hey Rory! Come sit with me."

I quickly flipped off the sandals I had tossed on and made my way through the sand to sit down next to him. I placed my hand on his shoulder stopping his swing from swaying. "Ian, what's wrong?"

He sighed grabbing my hand and lacing his fingers through mine. "It's my dad."

I felt my heart drop. "Is he okay?"

Ian chuckled darkly. "He's fine. We just got in a fight. I just needed someone to talk to."

I felt guilt rush through me. "we can talk Ian. Give me the bottle."

He turned to give me the bottle freezing when he made eye contact with me. His face hardened in anger. When I reached for the drink He chuckled taking a swig before tossing the bottle on the ground. "I know why you wanted to talk to me today Rory." He stared off into the distance looking like he was in a trance.

I froze. I really didn't want to have this conversation while he was drunk and upset. "Ian we can talk about that later. What happened with-"

"You slept with Sin right?" He said turning to me now. His eyes were red and he looked ready to kill.

I widened my eyes. "Why would you say that?"

He laughed again. "You think I can't see that golf ball sized hickey on your neck."

I fisted my hands awkwardly. "Ian it wasn't like that. I didn't sleep with-"

"Save it Rory. I'm not stupid. I saw the way he looked at you."

I didn't try and defend myself. I hadn't slept with Sin but I would have. Technically I was guilty. " I'm so sorry Ian. I wanted to do this the right way but I didn't want to hurt your feelings."

He shook his head. "Sure you did Rory, and here I was thinking you were a good girl. Shit, I thought you were a virgin."

I didn't correct him.

"I must have looked stupid taking you ice skating and to clubs when all I really had to do was live next door to you and disrespect you to get into your pants."

I raised a brow."Don't be an asshole Ian. Sin and I connected that's it. I'm sorry for not letting you know sooner-"

He cut me off again, this time by tightening his grip on my arm and pulling me against him. "Connected? We can connect Rory. You never even gave me a chance."

I struggled in his hold trying to free myself. "Let me go Ian. Right now!"

He only tightened his hold pulling me off of the swing. I stood in front of him trying to pry myself out of his grip.

"Ian you're drunk. You don't know what you're doing."

Tears were in my eyes now. My heart was beating a thousand miles a minute.

"What? I'm not good enough for you? You let that asshole Sin have you."

He shook me once causing my head to snap back.

"Kody would kill you Ian. Let me go." I looked pathetic now but I didn't care I just wanted to get out of his grasp and far away from him.

He let me go suddenly, causing me to stumble onto the ground.

"Stay away from me." I muttered scrambling to my feet. "Stay away from me or my brothers gonna find out about this."

Ian swung on the swing calmly. "Go ahead. And then the whole town is gonna find out what a slut their perfect Rory Vincent is."


Das crazy. 👀👀👀  y'all hear sum?

How ya feeling for real?

Qotd:how old are you guys

AOTD: I'm 22 ✌🏽✌🏽

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