Chapter Seventeen

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"Hold up bitch, damn." Hayden groaned as I ushered her into my house the next morning. "You're lucky I woke up this early for you. I'm expecting scalding tea."

She had no idea. Once we were in my room I sat her on my bed before locking my door.

Hayden raised a brow. "Oh, so the tea is hot-hot. Okay, what happened?"

I took a deep breath deciding to just rip the bandaid off. "I kissed Sin last night."

Her eyes widened. "You did what?"

I groaned. "You heard me. I made out with Sin in the driver's seat of his car and I really dont need you to make me feel bad about it."

She stood up now. "No no, you said kiss. Now you're saying made out? In the driver's seat? Oh man Vincent, who are you?" She said with a grin

I threw my pillow at her. "Are you forgetting about Ian? Because I feel like you are."

"Fuck Ian." She replied with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "Ian is my boyfriend." I said kind of to myself. "Dammit. I can't believe I'm a cheater"

Hade nodded slowly. "They do say once a cheater always a cheater."

I stared at her.

Okay, okay." She held her hands out, trying to reason with me. "Maybe this was nothing. How'd it feel?"

I was planning on lying, but for some reason the truth came out. "Like I was on fire and enjoying every minute of it."

She nodded again. "Okay, so it's not nothing and now I want the deets."

I shook my head coming to a realization. Ian didn't make me feel the way Sin did. If what i was feeling with Sin was out there, there was no way I could go back to the comfortable feeling. I got when Ian kissed me. "I have to break up with Ian." I whispered.

"Nooooo." Hayden said clutching her chest dramatically and falling backwards onto my bed. "Ian is a god. Have you seen his muscles? Those are your muscles Rory!"

I covered my face. "I know! Do you know how long I've been in love with him?"

"And you're going to throw that all away for one tussel with Sin Westbrook? The same Sin whose never had a girlfriend?"

I slapped her arm. "I am not going to pursue Sin. I just cant stay with Ian knowing that I cheated on him."

Hayden put her finger om her chin. "Was it cheating though?"

I nodded my head. "It sure was." I sighed.

Hayden rose. "No, seriously. Did he ever ask you to be his girlfriend?"

I thought about it. Had he? Did people still do that? I didn't know how those things worked.

"I don't think so." I finally answered.

"Okay then." Hayden clapped her hands together. "You did nothing wrong."

I shook my head. "No, becauae if he would have kissed some bimbo, it would have been over."

Hayden snorted. "You just called Sin Westbrook-the toughest guy in sxhool- a bimbo."

I smirked.

"Anyways." Hayden continued. "It doesn't matter what you think because you've never dated anyone. Ok dont know any better."

I nodded. I didn't know any better. "You make strong arguments." I told her.

She did. The problem was I didn't want to be convinced. If I broke up with Ian because I cheated, then I would be doing the right thing. But if I dumped him because I didnt feel a strong enough connection I was a heartless bitch.

Since when are you so 'team Ian'?" I asked in a suspicious tone.

She shrugged. "I've always been team 'Blincent' You've been in love with him your whole life. What kind of friend would I be if I wasnt on your team?"

I nodded because she made sense. It was irritating when she made sense. Now I had to tell her the full truth.

"Dammit Hayde. Okay, look. Ian and I, we don't click that well."

She lifted a brow before laying her head in my lap. " What do you mean?"

I shrugged. "We have no spark."

She pursed her lips. "You mean you don't feel the same kick when you kissed Sin?"

When I kissed Sin. When I touched Sin. When I looked at Sin. When I thought about Sin...

I nodded.

All of a sudden she reached up and smacked me on my chin."Duh, you idiot. Sin is dangerous with trust issues. Plus you knew it was wrong. Add all those details together and you've got yourself some sparks sure. But not lasting sparks. Not build a relationship sparks."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, but if those sparks are out there, why should I settle for no sparks at all?"

She laughed. "You shouldn't. Rory, baby, sparks can grow. When you're with somebody and you love and trust them, sparks can grow. And then they'll be forever sparks."

I eyed her suspiciously. "I feel like you got that speech from how i met your mother." I mumbled.

She pulled herself upright, pushing her chestnut hair out of her face.
She laughed. "No, bitch. That was all me. Even Ted Mosby couldn't give you advice that good."

I pushed her off of me, laughing when she hit the ground. "Since when do you know about love and all that stuff?"

It wasn't rude. Hayden wasnt big on romance. She didnt believe in getting to know someone. She believed that when you knew you knew.

She pulled herself upright, pushing her chestnut hair out of her face. "You and I are different. I know that of you want to, you could make any relationship you wanted work out. As for me-" She stared dramatically into space. "My Ted Moseby is out there somewhere. And he's getting here as fast as he can."

I scoffed. "Now I know that was a how I met your mother quote."

She pinched my cheeks. "You know me well."

I nodded my head thinking. Maybe Ian and I could build a spark


Bit of a filler chapter. However, it was a necessary evil. Thank you guys for voting. I like to read your comments too. Drop some.

Qotd: favorite TV show character??

Aotd: ehh I have a bunch but its out of Corey Matthews and Spencer Reid.

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