Chapter Five

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Harry woke up in his room at the Leaky Cauldron. He had just been awoken from a nightmare and was breathing heavily. It had been of the night Voldemort had come. He still had a very vivid memory of all of it, he knew he would never be able to forget and it terrified him, made him scared to even go to sleep in fear he might watch the scene replay for the hundredth time.

He knew he would never get back to sleep. He sighed and threw off the covers, got up and went to take a shower. Why did he have to go through this? He was nine for Merlin's sake. After he got out he realized he hadn't eaten in awhile and decided to go get some breakfast.

"Hello Harry." Tom greeted him. Harry smiled and waved to him. "What can I get you?" He asked him.

"The pancake breakfast." Harry answered, getting a nod from Tom before he went back to make it for him.

When he carried it back he sat down across from Harry. "So what are you doing up so early?" He questioned.

"Just... couldn't sleep." Harry said hesitantly.

"Why not?" Asked Tom. So far, he had gotten almost nothing from the boy to indicate why he had left home and didn't seem to be going back any time soon if he could help it.

"Just... nightmares." Answered Harry, eyes seemingly full of fear as he remembered what it had been about. He shook his head, trying to ignore the mental image.

"Oh?" Was all Tom said. Harry nodded, looking at the plate. "Want to talk about it?" He asked. He was concerned for the boy, he wasn't often the type of person to comfort others but he would do whatever he could to comfort a child who clearly needed it.

Harry looked at him. He wanted to tell him, he wanted to let all the nightmares and worries out and get some advice on how to cope with them. He desperately wanted to be comforted and cared about. He wanted to just cry and cry, not caring about who was watching him. But he wouldn't, he learned to keep his guard up, to not show his weakness. So instead of doing what he wanted so desperately to do, he shrugged, putting his guard back up.

Tom nodded when someone walked in. He turned to greet them and saw an auror. "Yes?" Tom asked roughly.

"Have you seen a small boy come through here? His name is Harry Potter. He has black that goes to his shoulders and green eyes. He ran away and his godfathers are looking for him." He rushed. Harry quickly and silently casted a disillusion charm on himself as soon as he realized he was talking about him.

Tom turned around and was the slightest bit shocked to not see Harry there. He paused for a second before answering, Harry tensed, hoping he wouldn't tell them he was there. "I'm afraid I haven't." Tom answered. Harry almost breathed a sigh of relief at those words.

"Okay, well inform us if you do." He told him before leaving in a slight rush.

Harry let out the sigh and took the charm off himself. "Care to tell me what that was about? And how you somehow know how to use that charm even though your nine and have no wand?" Tom said.

Harry winced a bit. "Well, I kinda ran away." He answered.

"I guessed that much." Tom told him.

Harry sighed again, "I left because my guardians didn't give a crap about me. I could be dead right now and they wouldn't give a shit." He said. Remus and Sirius always swore around him and he kind of picked up the habit of doing it mindlessly. Tom raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well if that were the case I don't believe they would be looking for you." He said.

"Their probably just upset that no one is there to cook and clean anymore." Harry answered spitefully.

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