Chapter Twenty

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Harry had been at the Weasley's house for a week now. Harry got up from his bed beside Ron, he got ready and walked down the stairs. Molly, Bill, Percy, and Arthur were down there. Molly was finishing up breakfast and the other three were talking about Bill's job.

He went to help Molly. Soon, everyone else had come down and they were all getting food. Harry and Molly sat down.

Bill and Charlie had come over and were staying for three weeks. Arthur was still reading the paper.

"Arthur, put that down and eat." Molly told him.

"Nicolas Flamel's funeral is in a week." Arthur said before setting it down. Harry almost choked on his water, he coughed a few times before looking back up.

"Nicolas died?" He asked. They all gave him a weird look.

"Yeah, after the stone was destroyed, didn't Dumbledore tell you?" Ron asked.

"No." Harry replied.

"He told us all just before he destroyed it, I guess you were unconscious then though." Ron informed him.

"Didn't you read about it, it was talked a lot about in the daily profit?" Charlie asked.

"I don't read the profit, Skeeter is the main editor and she's the biggest liar I've ever met." Harry told him, shrugging.

"Didn't you know the stone was the only thing keeping him alive?" Ginny asked.

"I mean yeah, but I didn't even know he had destroyed the stone." Harry said, feeling guilty.

"Did Dumbledore tell you anything?" Ginny asked.

"No, he has a bad habit of that." Harry said. He looked off for a second. "Great, yet another death I'm responsible for." He mumbled.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Nothing." He replied. Charlie, who was sitting to Harry's direct left, looked at him oddly. He probably heard Harry but he didn't say anything.

Harry was staring off into space, thinking about Nicolas and the times he had gone to his house, when an owl flew through the window and landed on Harry's shoulder after dropping a letter into his lap. He looked up at the owl, recognizing it as one of Nicolas'.

He picked up the letter and opened it. He quickly read through it. It was an invitation to the funeral.

"What is it?" Ginny asked.

"Invitation to Nicolas' funeral." Harry replied.

"You knew him?" Charlie asked.

"I met him about two years ago, I went to his house five times." Harry replied.

"Are you going?" Ron asked.

"Yeah." He replied. Of course he was, it was the least he could do. Harry wondered why he hadn't mentioned it in his most recent owl. "It says I can have three people with me." He said.

"Who are you bringing?" Ginny asked. He shrugged.

"I'm not sure, whoever wants to go to a funeral. I've found that not many people do. Maybe 'Mione." Harry replied.

Harry thought for a moment before remembering the owl on his shoulder. He turned his head to look at him.

"I'll send an owl back soon." He said, using creature speak. The owl said okay and flew off. Harry thought for a moment about who he was bringing.

He was going to ask Hermione, he knew she'd been fascinated with Nicolas. If she went then Pansy would be going to, she was staying at Hermione's for the next month. He knew that Ron hated funerals and remembered Ginny saying they were uncomfortable once when they were younger.

He wasn't sure if he would be bringing anybody else, unless one of the Weasley's wanted to go. He assumed they didn't.


Hermione woke up to her mum yelling up at her. She groaned at the bright light coming through her windows.

Pansy shifted and sighed, she heard Hermione's mother yelling and tensed for a second before she heard her saying someone was calling for her.

She sat up and shook Hermione's shoulder as she squeezed her eyes shut.

"Can you turn the sun off?" Hermione said.

"I wish." Pansy replied. Hermione sighed and sat up. She got off the bed and started to the door.

Pansy followed. "I'm coming!" Hermione yelled down. She opened the door and walked down the stairs quickly, taking the phone.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hey, it's Harry." They said.

"Oh, what's up?" She asked.

"You know about Nicolas' death right?" He asked.

"Yeah." She answered, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Well, I was invited to his funeral and it said I could bring a few people. I'm not sure who would want to go to a funeral but I thought I'd ask." He said.

"Yeah, Pansy can go right?" She asked.

"Yeah." He answered. She nodded tiredly before realizing he couldn't see her. They talked about when it was and decided that her and Pansy would go to the Weasley's the day before the funeral.

She walked back to her bed after they hung up and she tried to go back to sleep. Pansy sat on the bed and read.

Hermione heard her mum yell up to her again and she groaned, starting down the stairs. Her mum told her that their breakfast was ready.


Hermione and Pansy showed up to the Weasley's house. Hermione knocked.

Harry was the one to answer the door, he smiled when he saw them. "Ms. Granger, Ms. Parkinson." He greeted. The two rolled their eyes. They both quickly hugged him.

"Parkinson?" Molly asked when they walked in.

"Yeah." Pansy said hesitantly. She had dealt with people being rude when they found out who her family was.

"Aren't both of your parents death eaters?" Arthur asked. Pansy's face turned a very bright red quickly and she felt her heart speed up.

Harry saw both Charlie and Bill giving their parents a look like they wanted them to stop talking. Fred and Ron were also in the room and were sharing a look.

"Yes, they were." She replied, standing straight again and making sure she didn't seem as nervous as she felt.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Molly said.

"Mum, she's not her parents." Ron said. "She's a good person." He added.

"And she's been staying with a muggleborn the last few weeks." Hermione added.

Everybody in the room looked uncomfortable. Pansy had expected something like this would happen, she was at the Weasley's house. She'd heard from her parents over and over again that they were bloodtraitors.

They were all quiet for a moment. "She's twelve." Charlie said. Molly looked at Arthur for a moment and they shared a silent coversation.

"You can stay." Arthur said after a moment.

"Thank you." Pansy said, her cheeks still as red as the Weasley's hair.

Harry put his arm around her shoulder as they started up the stairs. "Sorry about them." Ron said when they got to his room.

"It's fine." She answered, waving him off. Ginny walked in.

"Charlie's arguing with mum." She told Ron. She held out her hand to Pansy.

"Hi, I'm Ginny." She said.

"I'm Pansy." She replied, shaking her hand. Ginny greeted Hermione the same.

(A/N) forgot I had this draft and since I'm giving the story away I figured I should publish this. I'm glad you all enjoyed this story and I'm going to miss writing it. Message me if you want to adopt it.

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