Chapter Thirteen Part One

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Harry woke up early and got ready. He threw anything he had forgotten into his trunk and woke up the others. They walked down to the great hall when they were finished getting ready.

Luna and Draco were already there, both talking and smiling.

"Hello fellow humans." Harry greeted them.

"Human? What gave you that impression?" Draco asked him. Harry smiled and leaned against him. Draco smiled back.

"I'm not sure, I just assumed you were of the same species as your fellow students." Harry told him.

"Are you not human?" Draco asked him.

"No, I'm an animagus. I looked it up and found that their considered another species so no, I'm not human." Harry answered.

Draco nodded and chuckled. "You ready to go?" He asked Harry.

"Yep, are you?" He asked. Draco and Luna nodded.

"Finally we don't have to worry about school. Or Slytherins. Or Snape." Ron said.

"Snape's not that bad. Just... cranky?" Harry said.

"He gives detentions for breathing to loudly." Ron said.

"He had a headache." Harry defended.

"I was breathing!" Ron yelled.

"Maybe he overreacted a bit. But that doesn't mean he's a bad person." Harry tried.

"Say what you want but he's a scary person." Ron said.

"Can't deny that." Harry said.

They ate the rest of their breakfast and then left. They walked around for a bit, having nothing to do. They were leaving in about a hour so they had time to burn.

"Should we get our stuff?" Harry asked after awhile.

"Is it already time to go?" Draco asked him.

"Yeah, just about." Harry answered. They nodded and went to get their trunks.

They met again in a hallway and went to where everyone else was at. They walked to the train in hogsmade and found an empty compartment.

"Did you guys talk to your parents about going with him?" Hermione asked.

"I told my dad." Luna replied.

"I said I was going somewhere else." Draco told them. They talked while the long trip went on. Soon, lunch time rolled around and the trolleys were taken out.

"You guys want something?" Harry asked them when it got there. They ended up getting a lot.

They ate their food and talked awhile longer. Harry ended up falling asleep while laying his head on Draco's lap. Neville also slept for the last hour of the ride.

The train was getting close to the train station and they got up.

They walked off as it slowly pulled to a stop. Harry saw Remus and Sirius already out there.

When they got closer to them, Harry turned to the others. "Bye guys." He said. He hugged them and they went off to find their parents.

"So..." Harry said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Let's go." Said an annoyed voice from behind Harry. He turned around and saw Ivy standing there.

"I was actually planning on standing here for a bit longer, but if you insist." Harry replied, rolling his eyes.

They walked over to where they could apparate. "Just hold on to one of our arms." Sirius said.

"It's fine, I can do it myself." Harry said.

The Forgotten Twin | Harry Potter |حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن