Chapter 17

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Hello, everybody! I hope you liked the last chapter and that you'll like this one too!


It's a long one!! :D
Enjoy <3

It felt like hours, just sitting there in total silence. Eating.

Non of us said a word to one another, only small things like 'can you pass the salt?' or 'more water?'

The tiny hole in his lip after he bit himself was visible for me on this short distance, but not like eye catching.

His eyes were always set on anything but me when I glanced over at him.

I couldn't take the silence anymore; "This is ridicules. Why aren't we talking?"

He put down his spoon and stared at one spot on the table before he lifted his eyes to me. "I'm done. You done?"

He nodded his head at my empty bowl, I nodded slightly. In just two seconds he had our bowls in each hand and was out of the dining room.

I slowly stood up and grabbed the big bowl of soup. Wow, this was heavier than I thought.

Looking back at the table to check nothing was forgotten, I turned back around.

Suddenly I'm on the floor covered in vegetables and chicken pieces, soaked by the soup and Colt on top of me.

"Shit, I'm so sorry!" He quickly got off of me and pulled me up on my feet.

I felt how hot the soup was on my bare legs and how it ran down my body underneath the hoodie.

Without wanting it I let out a small whimper and shook my body to get the food out of my hoodie and even bra.

He chuckled at me; "You should take a shower, cause you don't smell like strawberries anymore."

I tried not to slap him across his chest, because this hurts more than he knows.

Noticing he was soaked in soup too and the tiny vegetable pieces in his hair, I couldn't help myself.

"You... You have parsley in your hair," I pointed out.

"Where?" He shook his head and splashed me with more soup in the process. "Gone?"

I sighed and looked up at him, the soup tracing his beautiful features. "It's gone," I smiled.

"Good, but we should take a shower," he said while grabbing the bowl from the floor.

We? As in both of us?

"Separated right? Not like us, us in one shower, naked and together?" I asked really fast, feeling my cheeks get redder for every word.

He ran a hand through his hair, making a few more parsley pieces drop from it.

"Yes, separated." He lowered his lips down to my ear; "Unless you want otherwise."

I felt my cheeks blush up in red of his words.

"No, no, I'll go take a shower in my room and you in yours!" I said quickly and ran upstairs.


After tossing all the vegetables and chicken pieces into the trash can, I stepped into the shower.

The cuts on my back didn't look that bad anymore, but they still hurt like hell if I moved in certain ways.

I turned my back on the water and let it run down every inch of my cuts.

A Vampire's Pet #1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora