Chapter 21

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I'm hoooome ~ !
I really had a great time in Sweden, it was so much fun^^

Thank you guys for everything you've done while I was gone! All the votes and all the nice comments, I love you <3

But now that I'm back, here's another update to all my lovelies ~ ^3^


"So how do you like my dress?" I smiled and put the bags down by the staircase.

"Maggie didn't allow me to see it, she said 'it will spoil the surprise' and tied a ribbon around the box to make sure I didn't sneak a peek," he replied with wrinkled eyebrows.

I smirked and took the bags that were mine out of his hands. "What about your suit?"

"If I can't see the dress, you can't see the suit," he smirked and tried to put up a serious face expression.

"Alright, fair enough," I nodded and skipped upstairs.

After Colt had paid for the dress we went straight home, because we were done and I still dislike shopping, and Colt was getting hungry.

"What do you want for dinner?" he shouted from downstairs.

I thought about it while putting my clothes into my closet. I had a system to make it easier.

"Whatever you want!" I shouted back while putting on a pair of grey sweatpants.

"Oh you know what I want!"

My face heated up at his words and I refused to answer it. When I didn't answer I heard him laugh.

My closet is built with an open part where I can have dresses and jackets, with three different shelfs on the other side and one drawer at the bottom.

I put the box with the dress in on the left side where I also hung my jackets.

Jeans and sweatpants on the top shelf, sweaters and tops in the middle shelf, and lastly socks and stockings in the drawer.

Maggie shoved a pair of black stockings into my bag when Colt wasn't looking and told me to 'use them wisely'.

I really wish I didn't know what she meant by that...

After putting my clothes into my closet I moved on to my bathroom. It's a nice size for only me and as every bathroom, it got every thing I needed.

The floor was covered in black tiles, the walls are tiles too, but they are white and the ceiling's also white. To my right was the toilet, next to that was the white sink which had one mirror beside the also white cabinet. Up in the left corner's the shower with glass doors, then there's the bathtub on the left opposite of the sink. Not to forget the little chest of drawers right next to the door on my left.

I stepped into the bathroom and pulled open the top drawer. I put the bras and panties in the top drawer, my girly items in the middle one and socks in the bottom.

Turning over to the sink I opened the little cabinet over the right side of the sink.

"Gwen!" I jumped when my name suddenly broke through the silence.


I put all the makeup - which wasn't that much really - in the cabinet and closed the door to my bathroom.

When I got downstairs and into the dining room the sight shocked me.

The light was off and the table was set with a white tablecloth, two candles was in the middle of the table. On either side of the table was plates with spaghetti and sauce, nicely placed.

A Vampire's Pet #1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora