Chapter 26

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Quick, but short update...

But I'm excused! I was camping with my classmates and we didn't have wifi there (duh), so I couldn't update :c

And thank you for all the nice comments and all the votes I get, thank you so so much!

Enjoy lovelies :*


When we got back Colt stormed off to his bedroom, Nick following hot on his heels to try to talk to him.

Us girls went downstairs into the basement, we all honestly looked like crap.

Our hair was messed up, our makeup was running down our faces, and our once white dresses were covered in mud.

Let's not even mention Amber's broken heels, my long forgotten heels and Cana's - sunken in mud somewhere in the woods - shoe.

It was kinda funny to think about actually, but that wasn't exactly occupying my mind at the moment.

We'd all three showered together, cause I swear that shower could hold at least 7 grown men.

And I don't want that image in my head now..

Go away, shoo shoo!

Amber told me earlier that the three of them used to spend much time here, so the four of them together designed the basement.

At the moment we're huddled up in the sunken livingroom where the girls had put all the pillows, duvets and blankets they could find to make it more comfy.

We looked like triplets. Grey sweatpants and hoodies, each in different bright colors.

Since Amber's favorite color's blue, hers is bright blue. Cana loves pink above all, therefor hers is neon pink.

Mine is just plain green because Amber took a wild guess on what I liked. She went shopping yesterday and bought hoodies for the three of us.

Ever since we got back, I haven't talked about what happened at the party and what Mr. Hutton said.

They knew better than to rush me, considering I was quivering and in some kind of panicked state.

Nick had to carry me back to the car and Colt had to walk at least 6 feet away from me, nothing less.

I was squeezed in the middle of them, Amber was eating popcorn while watching TV and Cana was hugging my arm half asleep.

She's so adorable.

"W-who was Lynette really?" I finally managed to stutter out.

Amber glanced at me sideways and turns off the TV before giving me all her attention.

"Well you know how humans and vampires can't be together because it's against the rules and blah blah blah, right?"

I just nodded.

"She was just a friend of him, she lived here a few years ago," she looked around, gesturing to our surroundings. "This used to be her room, until she passed away and Colt couldn't bare walking in here, seeing all her stuff."

I nodded slowly, showing her I wanted to know more.

"Because it's against the rules Colt kept her a secret until his mom came down here and found her, Colt's always been a brilliant liar so he told his mom that Lynette was his pet." She took a short pause. "Of course his mom loved it, because she wanted everything good for her son and she told almost everyone about it. Even Mr. Hutton, at that time Lisanna didn't have any interest in Colt."

A Vampire's Pet #1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang