Chapter 4

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The following morning, Marty awoke with the same tingling sensation he had felt last night.

Why, he wondered.

And that's when he realized it was the dream he'd been having overnight. He had been dreaming about what was going to happen today and it had him anxious and excited. People were finally going to meet a very different Marty.

This was a completely new venture for Marty and it had him both excited and freaked out. Octoberfest would be the first time he will have gone out dressed as a girl.

He said it out loud to himself, "I'm going outside, to Octoberfest, as a . . . a girl."

This would be only the second time he'd ever even tried on girls' clothes and makeup, last night being the first, so of course he was extremely nervous.

He was also scared, scared people would see through the disguise and know they were looking at a boy in a dress. Even worse he was afraid someone might recognize him, but his curiosity was so great it trumped his fears.

As he lay there thinking about what he was about to do and if it would be as good as he had just dreamed, he heard his mother leave for her waitressing job at the diner.

On Saturdays, she normally worked a 7-3 shift. Today she was also working another girl's shift from 3-11. Marty felt extremely lucky to have it work out like that and afford him this opportunity.

With butterflies in his stomach, he hopped out of bed, went right to the bathroom, and pulled out his razor. Even though he only had a few spare hairs, he wanted to make sure his face was as smooth as his legs.

Today Marty was going to make his first appearance in the new town as Martina, at the Lakeview Octoberfest Street Festival, and he wanted it to be as successful as possible.

While he began to prepare, he turned on the radio and tuned to an AM talk show, repeating out loud, whatever the female broadcaster said. He was trying to emulate how she said everything, studying the rhythm, and inflection in her voice to help himself sound as feminine as possible.

Once his face was done, he got in the shower and washed and conditioned his hair with his mom's floral hair care products while continuing to practice the voice he was going to use.

As soon as he stepped out of the shower, he once again put a moisturizing lotion on his legs. He then put contact lenses in his eyes and dried his hair with a blow dryer.

He styled his hair into something feminine using a brush and then his mom's curling iron to get a little wave and curl in it.

During the commercial breaks on the radio, he continued repeating a few words and worked on saying his new name over and over in order to get used to saying and hearing it. The last thing he needed was to accidentally tell someone his name was Marty or to accidentally react to the name Marty, should someone think they recognize him through the disguise.

"Hi, how are you? I'm Martina. Hello."
He began to do his face, putting on some of his mother's make-up just as he had last night; just a hint of foundation, a little blush, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, and eyeshadow. He worked on his eyes for a long time, even adding wings like he learned from one of the videos he had looked up in bed last night. It took him several tries and they weren't the best wings but they definitely made him look feminine.

Once he was done, what he had created was something that actually looked like a girl his age. There was no real trace of the boy left in his face.

He was shocked at how different he looked and impressed with the work he had done.

His heart rate increased, and he felt a warmth come over his body. His breathing increased; faster and deeper.

His fear began turning to excitement as he realized no one in this town aside from his own mother would recognize him now. He hoped even she wouldn't, if the unthinkable were to happen and she saw him.

He returned to his bedroom, took the clothes from his closet and placed them on the bed.

The first thing he put on was the panties and then the pantyhose. As he rolled the hose up, he snagged one leg with a rough fingernail. He was worried about ruining them, but once he got them on he saw it was only a tiny little hole at the base of one heel. He knew his shoes would cover that so he didn't worry about it.

Marty then fumbled fastening his bra in place. Once he finally got it, he stuffed the cup with some fresh washcloths and shaped them to make it look right.

Turning left and right he checked out his new "breast" in the mirror. He wasn't satisfied with the way they looked. He didn't think they hung natural enough and wondered if there was something else he could use.

After a few moments, an idea came to him and ran to the kitchen. He grabbed two similarly sized heirloom tomatoes and headed back to his room where he replaced the washcloths with the tomatoes snugly in his B-cup bra.

Turning left and right he once again checked out his "breasts." After bouncing up and down a couple of times to see how they reacted, he was satisfied with their weight. To him, they now looked as real as he figured he could get them.

Marty was careful not to smudge his makeup as he slid the dress on over his head. After a minor struggle, he got the zipper up in back, and then looked at himself in the mirror.

A shiver ran up his spine at the sight of the pretty girl once again looking back at him, even prettier this time. The dress had black lace sleeves that stopped just below his elbows. It was cut low in the back, but not enough to let his bra strap show, and had a modest black lace panel in front that was kinda see through but stopped short of revealing that this girl was padding her bra.

Marty then stepped into his mom's low-cut, black suede, ankle boots. The comfortable snugness of them on his feet and how different his posture felt in heels excited him. As he turned to admire himself in the mirror, he once again began to shake as a surge of energy shot through his body. The only way Marty knew to explain it was like a mutant hero discovering his or her superpowers for the first time.

Marty was amazed by the image looking back at him from the mirror. He was now 100% passable as Martina to anyone who didn't know the truth.

He really did find himself attractive with his light brown hair, blue eyes, and thin figure, maybe he could even fool his mother, he thought.

The nerdy mind of Marty's decided he kinda looked like a young Jubilee from X-men, and that really boosted his confidence.

Marty was now so excited he couldn't wait to experience the world and interact with strangers, as Martina.

It didn't matter how shy he was as Marty. As Martina, he could become whomever he wanted and today he was determined to experience an outgoing confidence like nothing he had ever before.

He felt like he was as close to feminine as he could be without an operation. He knew he could hide behind this feminine persona and be outgoing, and he . . . well, she would have her test at the festival today.

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