Chapter 13

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Martina walked about 30 yards away from the bus, then stopped and looked back. She stood there for several moments, thinking about what had just happened, while a comforting, peace began to envelop her.

She didn't know what it was about Lainy that made her so special, but whatever it was, she wanted it.

Martina finally turned back around and began to make her way through the crowd, trying to get back home.

A few moments later, a voice called out.

"Hey! Martina!"

Martina didn't recognize the voice as Lainy's or any of the girls in the group she had hung out with at the concert, but she was sure no one else knew that name.

She turned in the direction of the voice to find Amy, the funnel cake girl she met earlier, headed towards her.

Oh yeah, I guess I did tell her my name. What does she want, Martina thought.

"You look like you're in a hurry," Amy observed as she caught up. "On your way to the dance?"

She looked Martina up and down.

"Hey, I see you got a new pair of hose. Actually, you changed your whole outfit. I like it. That dress is perfect, girl. You look like you're ready to par-tay! Awesome.  Let's go."

She wrapped an arm around one of Martina's and began stearing her in the direction of the VFW Hall, where the dance was being held.

"Actually, I was just going to head home. I don't really know anyone here, and I just want to be alone," Martina informed Amy.

"Nonsense, we'll hang out together, and I can introduce you to some of my friends. My brother will probably try to get you to dance with him. Don't be afraid to tell him no. He needs to be told no on occasion, otherwise he gets a big head. But then, if he turns out to be your type, go for it, unless.. . . well, unless you'd rather dance with me . . . maybe?"

She smiled and waited to see if Martina would react, but Martina didn't realize what Amy had said, since her mind was elsewhere.

The smile on Amy's face shrank and she added, "But don't worry, whatever happens, we're gonna have fun tonight."

They entered the building to find the place about half filled, with more coming in around them. The place was darkened, with the only light coming from all the colored lights, flashing and moving in patterns with the pounding music, out on the dance floor.

Martina wasn't into what was happening around her. It was loud and she still just wanted to be alone.

Amy led Martina over to a group of her friends and began introducing her to them, over the blaring music.

It didn't take too long for Martina to find out that she actually was able to have fun once she put aside what happened earlier and focused on the moment.

Amy and her friends were a blast to hang out with and Martina was soon, once again having a great time.

She also discovered how much fun it was to let go of her inhibitions and dance. Being able to hide behind the disguise of "Martina" allowed a freedom Marty had never felt before.

Martina also discovered how wonderful dancing in a dress felt. She wasn't a very good dancer, but it was crowded, and no one noticed or even really cared. It's not like any of the dancing going on around her was that great either and this realization allowed her to relax and let loose.

Martina decided it felt so good having someone to hang out with for once. It also helped to get her mind off of the attack.

She even said yes to Amy's brother when he asked her to dance. Of course, it didn't hurt that he had offered her a couple swigs of the Kentucky Bourbon he had snuck in, before asking.

This dance and Amy's friendship was something Martina had needed for a long time, especially tonight.

After a couple of hours and several more swigs of bourbon, Martina began to wonder if it was her imagination, or if Amy was trying to hit on her just as much as her brother. It felt like they were trying to compete for her attention.

Other than earlier today, Marty had never felt like someone wanted to hang out with him and he was throughly enjoying the attention his girly disguise was inviting.

At one point Martina realized she didn't know what time it was, but she knew it had to be getting late.

She took the flask of bourbon from Amy's brother's hand and downed a large gulp. She then retrieved her phone from her purse and found that it was indeed very late and she knew she had to be home before her mom, so she could get out of these clothes, finish drying mom's dress, and wash the makeup off her face.

By this time, Martina had given Amy's brother the pleasure of dancing with her two separate times and had even slow danced with Amy through one song.

As the current pounding EDM tune gave way to a slower pop song, Martina leaned in, belched, and told Amy's brother she was heading out.

He immediately asked if he could walk her home.

Martina panicked. Even through the brain fog from the bourbon, she knew she couldn't allow this. If he did, he'd know where she lived. Besides, the last guy that she had walked with had raped her.

Oh gawd, what do I do. Think Martina, think.

Thinking quick she told him "No, that okay. Maybe some other time. You should stay and have fun."

Martina gave him a couple heavy pats on the shoulder.

Just then Amy walked up and asked to cut in.

"She's leaving," Amy's brother told her, sounding disappointed.

"Can I at least get your number," she asked Martina above the roar of the music.

Martina hadn't anticipated this and she swallowed hard. She began to think about how much fun she'd had and thought maybe she shouldn't close the door on the possibilities.

She ended up giving Amy her number, but a wrong last digit. With as much fun as she'd had tonight, she knew this wouldn't be the only time she went out as a girl and so she figured when she ran into Amy some other time she could explain it away by saying Amy must have misunderstood over the noise.

After telling them both goodbye, Martina quickly disappeared into the crowd and headed for the door. She checked behind herself several times on the walk home, to make sure she wasn't being followed.

When she got home, she put her mom's still damp dress in the dryer, hid the dress she came home in, under her mattress, and got in the shower, making sure to clean off all traces of makeup.

As the water flowed over her head and down her body, washing away all traces of Martina, the events of the day played over in Marty's head.

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