Chapter 19

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After being disenrolled from the school as Marty, she was immediately re-enrolled as Martina. The school changed all of her records from Marty Malone Monroe to Martina Tiffany Monroe with the gender of female.

To celebrate, Amanda allowed Martina to clean out her closet and drawers. She only kept a few tee shirts and a leather jacket, all the rest of Marty's clothes were donated to a local thrift store.

The following day they went shopping for an all new school wardrobe to add to the thrift shop outfits she had been wearing all summer.

On her birthday, in June, Martin's mom allowed her to get her ears pierced. She opted for two holes in one ear and three in the other. She also begged her mom for and was allowed to get a tiny nose stud.

Throughout the fall and the rest of her high school years Martina continued to grow and blossom.

The fall of her first school year as Martina, she had joined a dance studio which helped her perfect feminine grace, poise, and fluidity of movement. She also got a part time job at a teen clothing store and used that to pay for the dance classes.

By her senior year she was one of the girls nominated for homecoming queen. She didn't think she had a chance of winning so, when she found out she had been nominated, she told herself just knowing she was liked enough to be nominated was validation enough for her.

However, dhe ended up placing second, only losing the crown by a narrow margin of six votes.

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