chapter sixty eight - luck and logic

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"Get in the bush!" Lisi told me.

And I did. I closed my eyes to avoid the leaves to get near my eyes. Then, as I opened my eyes, I felt a comforting breeze in my face.

In the next moment, I saw the beauty of the place. I went out of the bush and in the next moment, Lisi appeared, then Lady Victoria, and lastly, Luisa!

Her eyes were still glimmering, and I felt happy for her, although, it has been rough for me.

Everything is rough right now, many people still hate me, many high standard people hate me, En will get killed if I didn't ask the God of Purication for help soon enough, I can die if I get caught by Hades, the fact that pancakes are lethal (although it used to be my favorite food), and that everything is just risky.

I could die anytime, even now!

But for now, let's leave those thoughts behind.

"Rose, we're here! Just walk into that palace, and there, you will find that god!"


"Ummm..the God of Purication?" She gave me a nervous yet suspicious smile.

"Why did you stiffen after I asked you about that god? Before, you were careless, but now, you're acting stiff? Why?"


Luisa turned away, and so I couldn't look at her face. Now, both of them are acting strange.

Child, do you understand what is happening?

A thought slipped to my mind. I have several theories, according to my thoughts.

So what are they?

First, since Lisi is reincarnated, she might have something to do with Luisa, am I right?


If so, then they she might have been Luisa's sister! If not, then she could have been her friend, or she was a bully or something.... Or she could have been caught in such love triangle drama that happens in love triangle movies and didn't realise each other until they whatever happened, happened.


It must have been luck and logic. The obvious answer to any 'how' question, according to me.

That is extreme hogwash! How can you say luck 'and' logic? Logic has nothing to do with luck!

Well.. if you are lucky enough, a logical idea will slip into your mind....and that's what 'you' call, 'luck and logic'.

Absolute nonsense. Please be more specific, because luck is very different that logic. Luck is something good or bad that you didn't think would happen so easily. Logic is what you think THAT is something to do with brains. So, even if you said that someone or YOU were lucky enough, you said luck and logic, which would possibly mean that it might be bad luck.

Lady Victoria, I was just playing with you. I don't believe in 'luck and logic' used together, I mean, anything is possible anyway.


Lady Victoria? I know you'll kill me. I'm sorry.

Oh, no. I was also just playing around with you. I think you are smart enough to know that luck doesn't fit with logic.

I told you! Luck and logic is still possible!

I know that. I was only playing around. ^_^

Wow Lady Victoria, wow.

Then, a clashing sound was released, and a menacing horse was coming after us like wildfire.

It ran like the wind, but it was covered in fire, supposedly a phoenix-like horse. Beautiful yet fatal looking. It looked so surreal though.

I raised an eyebrow unintentionally as a frightened Luisa, a frightened Lisi Ana, and a frighten- I keep using that word too much, I mean, a shocked Lady Victoria.

I was just wondering, why is the sky blue again? I don't remember. I learned it from the web awhile ago. It was before I died.

I still am disappointed in you, pancakes. You failed me. Thank goodness that pancakes don't exist here.

—Why am I thinking of that? I'm not going to die right now right? Just because a burning, phoenix-like, fatal looking horse is speeding towards me in a dangerous way and threatening me to leave. It's not at all dangerous!

"Look out!" I heard Luisa shout to me.

So, I look out at this fake horse? Is it actually fake? I don't know.

As the horse started to slow, I felt awkward. Was it the horse, or was it just me?

"Ummm, hey.?" I said awkwardly as the horse was almost centimeters from my face.

Then, a bright light appeared.


reincarnated into a sadist's body ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora