Chapter 2

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Faye's eyes bugged out as the wolf stepped into the clearing, the flashlight highlighting protruding ribs, and matted, stringy fur. The poor thing was nothing but skin and bones. His legs trembled as he stumbled forward, barely able to hold his weight. He could barely walk and whined and whimpered at her pitifully.

Faye sighed as she considered her options. She could kill it and put it out of its misery. But Faye hated killing unless it was absolutely necessary. A starving wolf was a crazy wolf, she knew. But he made no move to attack her chickens or her and Faye sighed again.

Colin whined at the conflicted look on her face. It was the only thing he could do. Being stuck in his fur meant he was limited to the sounds of a mere animal; dog-like whines or whimpers. Anything to get her attention.

He tried taking another step forward, but his paws slipped again on the stupid ice and down he went. Hard.  With a weak yelp, he landed on his bruised ribs and lay still, the air knocked out of his lungs. Black dots clouded his vision and he urged his wolf to stay awake. If they could convince his mate they were no threat, she might help him.

He just wanted his mate. After years and years of pain and misery and endless searching he had finally found her and she was pointing a shotgun at him. It wasn't how he pictured their first meeting to be. But then, when he had thought of all those things, dreamed how it would go, he had been in his skin, not his fur. So much had been taken from him.

Even now, he was worried. Just because he had met his mate didn't mean he would Change. If he survived long enough that is. He might be stuck in his fur forever.

Faye had watched the wolf collapse, wincing as his yelps filled the air. After he didn't move for a few moments, she began to take cautious steps toward him, still holding the shotgun. As she neared him, his bony head swung to look at her and she paused, raising an eyebrow as she pointed the gun right between his eyes.

Her message was clear to Colin. He didn't need to make any sudden moves. He was relieved she didn't seem so inclined to shoot him anymore, unless she was going to do it at point blank range. With a shotgun, that was a stupid idea and he didn't think she'd try it.

He whined softly and she spoke for the first time, her soft, slightly husky voice soothing. "Easy Wolfie," she said, "You don't hurt me and I won't hurt you."

The wolf huffed and Faye smiled as he looked at her with an almost human dead-pan expression. She drew closer, shoving a wayward strand of hair out of her eye.

"You're all messed up, ain't ya, boy?" She asked softly.

Slowly, she held out her hand for him to smell, hoping he didn't feel threatened and snap her fingers off. Faye was surprised that instead of snapping at her fingers like a normal feral wolf, he responded by giving little licks to her fingers while belly-crawling toward her whining softly the whole while.

Faye was suddenly relieved she hadn't shot him. He was no feral wolf. He had been domesticated at some time she was sure. There was no other explanation for his gentle behavior.

Gently, she ran her hand over his head, bypassing his torn right ear that was crusted with blood and trying to ignore the extreme wet dog smell coming from his fur. He nudged his head into her palm his whines ceasing as his eyes closed.

"You've has a rough time of it haven't you, Wolfie?" She stated, shining her flashlight over his numerous injuries.

Poor thing looked like he had been run through a blender with his missing hair and cuts, lacerations and general bloodiness.

Colin felt close to euphoria as her scent washed over him. She smelled like fire, vanilla, and strawberries. It was a weird combination but he already loved it. That combined with her hand gently stroking his fur was nothing short of heaven. He whined when she pulled away already missing the warmth she provided.

Faye slung the shotgun on its strap over her shoulder and turned off her flashlight sticking it in her pocket.

Colin made a weird noise in his throat, his paws scrambling as suddenly, her arms went beneath him, lifting him through the air.

His wolf panicked for a moment before his head lodged against her neck and he heard her cooing comforting things. His movements stilled and if he had been able to, there would have been a blush coating his cheeks as she carried him like a child. To distract himself he breathed in deep. Her scent was so intoxicating.

Faye giggled quietly as his cold wet nose pressed against her neck. She would definitely need another shower.

Quickly, she made her way back inside carrying the starving wolf. Getting the door open was tricky but eventually she managed it without dropping Colin.

He was laid down gently on the floor in front of the fireplace, his paws sinking into the soft bear rug. He watched with bright eyes as she took off her coat and set the gun down in the corner.

Finally she moved back over to him, a bowl of meat in her hands. He drooled, eyes glued to the bowl as she set it down. Gently, he felt her hands lifting him until he could eat. It was awkward with her holding him. He didn't even have the strength to get up anymore. Other than slight embarrassment he was content to scarf down the meat with her holding him. When he was done licking and sniffing the bowl, he looked at her expectantly. She laid him back down with a laugh as she said, "Sorry, Wolfie, but that's all you get tonight. You'd get sick if I gave you anymore and I really don't want to clean up dog throw up."

She could swear he pouted at her as he laid his head on her knee with a huff. Intelligent golden eyes looked up at her entreatingly. She laughed at him and said, "Besides that's all the fresh meat I have right now."

She stroked her hand through his black fur and said, "You need a bath, Wolfie. And a serious makeover. Have you looked in a mirror recently?"

She laughed then. At herself for asking a wolf if he had looked in a mirror recently. Colin thought back to the last time he had seen a mirror. Only been a couple decades. He snorted and shrugged.

Faye looked at him strangely and said, "You're a weird one, Wolfie."

Colin gave her a wolfy grin even as his eyes threatened to close from exhaustion. If only she knew.


Welcome back my little shapeshifters! How have you been? I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy reading it!

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Scarlett McLeod

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