Chapter 4

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Faye had left Wolfie on the porch as she made her way across the yard to feed the chickens. She didn't know how they would react to having a wolf around but worse case scenario she would have a bunch of frazzled hens and no eggs for a week or so.

She hadn't even thought about Wolfie's reaction to the chickens until now. She was too attached to him now to get rid of him if he decided he wanted fresh chicken for a mid morning snack. She'd have to train him out of it if he did decide he wanted chicken.

Sighing, Faye set out the chicken feed and opened the henhouse, dodging chicken crap as she made her way across their run. Her fifteen hens and couple roosters cackled at her. Several walled out into the yard and Faye proceeded to collect eggs.

A few seconds later, the most awful ruckus she had ever heard started up outside. Faye banged her head on one of the nesting shelves as she made her way to the door to see what was going on. Chickens scattered across the yard, the hens letting their distress be known. Faye looked for the cause of the trouble and narrowed her eyes at the pile of feathers and bloody innards of one of her best laying hens laying on the snowy ground.

She hadn't closed the gate behind her. Wolfie sat staring at her a guilty look beginning to appear. Faye's hands went to her hips. She knew this would happen she just knew it! Bloody hell.

Colin inwardly raged at his wolf. One moment he had been sitting on the porch alertly  waiting for the blonde one to return and the next he had spotted the bird, prancing out of the little house the woman had disappeared into. His wolf had instantly spotted the gate left open for his convenience and the next moment he had fresh chicken sliding down his gullet. Never mind how good the fresh meat had been; he knew the birds were off limits! His wolf knew that too. Or should have anyway. He got the feeling his wolf just wanted to see what the blonde one would do.

He lowered his head as she approached, a disappointed angry look on her face.

"Bad!" She exclaimed, shaking her finger at him.

Faye pinched the bridge of her nose in her hand trying to stay calm. "Go to the porch, Wolfie."

Colin hung his head and whined. Faye turned and her voice rose, "Porch now!"

She pointed and Colin froze as his wolf screamed Alpha. Shock flooded his skinny frame. His wolf had recognized her as alpha. What on earth? His father was alpha! His wolf rolled belly up, submitting to her. Faye stared pointedly at him then the porch and he tucked tail and went.

He sat down and tried to figure out what the hell had just happened. He had never heard of this happening to a fated couple before. While a female alpha wasn't strange, it was strange for the blonde woman to be one. She was human.

He inwardly smiled. It was going to make it ten times harder to ever deny her anything. His heart leaped at a sudden thought. If she commanded him to change, he would. He could never deny an alpha claim. And apparently since his wolf had recognized her as Alpha that was exactly what she was.

He gave a wolfy grin, his tongue lolling out.

His female alpha

Faye had little idea of the bizarre thoughts whirling through her adopted Wolfie's mind. She cleaned up the bloody mess in the chicken coop and left the door open so the hens could get back inside later after they fed. At least she didn't have to worry about feeding Wolfie breakfast now.

She shot another glance at the smiling wolf sitting on her porch, eyes fixed on her and frowned. He could add bloody jowls to his list of disfigurements. Wolfie desperately needed a bath.

Faye glanced at her watch and thought about work. She was definitely going to have to take the overgrown puppy with her. After his scene with the dearly departed she didn't want to risk leaving him alone. She might not have any chickens left when she got home.

She had just enough time to give him a bath before it was time to leave.

Still angry with him, she marched up to the porch ignoring his whines and attempts to get her to pet him. Holding the door open, she shooed him inside and hung up her jacket before Colin heard the fatal word.


Immediately his ears flattened against his head and he parked his butt directly inside the door. No, nah uh, she was not giving him a bath.

Faye turned and looked at him and couldn't stifle a giggle. Colin's ears perked up at the sound and he cocked his head at her.

"You're not getting out of this," she said warningly, "You stink and you've got blood all over. I have to take you to work with me and right now you look like a zombie wolf. Bath time."

Colin whimpered pleadingly and Faye gave him an evil grin. Next thing he knew, she had swooped him up in her arms. He yelped and struggled briefly before the feeling of being in her arms overruled everything else. He licked her cheek inwardly beaming with joy when she giggled again.

He remembered she was an evil woman when she deposited him in the bathtub and leveled him with a warning glare and an order to stay put while she started the water.

Colin couldn't help the whine that escaped his muzzle when the cold water touched his paws. He was comforted when her hand rested on his head, stroking gently.

"It's alright," she said softly, "I got ya Wolfie."

The water temperature soon became warm and Colin felt his muscles relax. When was the last time he had had a warm bath? He couldn't even remember. Colin felt her hands massaging sweet-smelling stuff into his fur and a long sigh left him.

"See?" Said Faye, "It's not that bad!"

Colin rested his head on her bent knee over the side of the tub and gazed up at her adoringly. Now this, he could get used to!


Hello again, my little shapeshifters!! Double update! I was going to just upload this all into one chapter but then realized it was way too long. So double update here we go!

Show me some love and hit that vote button and comment! What do you think about Colin's wolf claiming Faye as his alpha? I totally wasn't planning that it kind of just happened that way.


Scarlett McLeod

Under an Alaskan Moon (Sample)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora