Chapter 13

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Brock O'Hurn above

"I've got to go to work," reiterated Faye for the third time that morning, pulling on her jacket.

"But why?" whined Colin also for the third time, frowning softly.

Faye glared at him in exasperation and said, "Oh I don't know maybe because I have to buy food and pay bills and to do that I have to have money."

She buttoned up her jacket and then cast another glance over her shoulder at the man pouting behind her, wearing nothing but another pair of her dad's sweatpants. His feet were bare and his honey-brown hair tumbled down around his shoulders.

Faye mourned having to go to work and leaving such a sexy man at home. He was positively delicious. She shook her head mentally slapping herself. Should she really leave him home alone?

She didn't really have a choice, she guessed. He wouldn't Change back. When she had hesitantly brought it up, he shook his head fearfully, his eyes wide. She couldn't take a man to work with her like she could Wolfie.

From what he said, Faye knew he had been basically stuck in his fur form, as he called it, and was afraid to Change because of that. She wondered how long he had not been able to shift between forms. He hadn't said.

She smiled up at him as he shuffled his feet on the floor, his head ducked. She stepped closer to him, stuffing her gloves in her pocket.

"Colin," she said softly.

His head jerked up and his golden eyes locked on hers, startling her with their intensity. She smiled again, regaining her composure and said, "I'll be home soon, okay? I left you a steak in the fridge. You can heat it up in the oven for lunch."

He whined and shifted from one foot to the next and Faye nearly melted at his cuteness. "Wolfie," she tried, testing out the name that stood for the other half of him.

His eyes widened, gold taking completely over his pupils and his nostrils flared. He smiled eagerly as he bent his head, resting it on her shoulder and nuzzling her neck. Faye giggled at the feeling of his beard tickling her skin. She felt his lips quirk up in a smile from where they pressed to her neck.

Then slowly, his arms came up to wrap around her tightly. Faye ran her hands up his naked back, trying to ignore how much she enjoyed the feeling of his warm skin under her fingertips. Why did she have to go to work again?

Oh yes, bills and food. We need food.

She couldn't get home soon enough.

She wasn't at all sure why Colin was still there in her cabin, with her. Or what his purpose was. But she knew he was attached to her, whether due to just his fur side or not. And if that meant she had a sexy man to ogle for a little while longer before reality kicked and she had to make him give her answers, she was down for that. From the way he acted, Faye was pretty sure he was not planning on leaving any time soon. She wasn't so sure how she felt about that.

At least he could stay for a little while longer. What could it hurt?

"I'll be back soon," she said, smiling.

Colin watched her drive away a few minutes later from the kitchen window and then moved to find some more clothes. Faye had shown him the trunk with her father's things and told him to take what he liked. So he did, casting a longing look at Faye's bed as he passed.

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