Chapter 1

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Sierra p.o.v
2 years. 2 years I've been working here and nothing's changed. Except,  the PA's I see coming and going every month from Mr Kingston's office. Apparently, he's never kept an assistant for longer than a month, the reasons for their leaving has never been clarified, just one minute they're here, the next they're not. It's become a chain reaction now, no one expects anything else.

"Miss Blake, could you take these papers up to floor 120 please."

"Sierra?!" A voice shouting knocks me out of my daydream. Oh crap! They're shouting at me!

"Sorry scarlet." I reply, taking the papers from her hands and making my way to the elevator.




"Oof!" I walk into a hard wall. Only, it's not a wall. I look up straight into a dark, cold set of eyes that are staring down at me.

"Watch where you're going-!" He shouts making me jump back.

My heart rate quickens as i realise who the large frame and cold eyes belong to."I-I'm Sorry Mr errr Kingston. I didn't see y-you there." God I sound like an idiot. Why am I stuttering so much?

He lets out a light chuckle. Wait he's chuckling, he never does that! "I'm joking." He whispers into my ear, making the hairs on my neck stand up.

"Ohhhh." My cheeks flush a dark shade of pink as I realise just how close we are. If this man wasn't so well  known for his promiscuous ways and consistent firing, i'd believe him to be a genuine, moral man. Obviously, i know better than that and my body should to, despite the vestige attraction.

"Into my office. Now!" He orders and I can't refuse. He's my boss at the end of the day. Given his proceeding reputation, I'm aware I shouldn't even try to challenge him.

I pick my feet up and follow him into his office. It's huge! The walls are grey, there's a large glass table at the back; with a laptop and a lot of files stacked on it. The wall on the left side is a large window overlooking Seattle. I stand in awe as I gawk at the entrance. I catch his eyes which are already locked on me. He has a playful smirk plastered on his face as he ushers me to come in. Closing the door behind me, I sit down in the chair opposite him. He sits proudly behind his desk as he stares at me. I clear my throat as a nervous habit, and he looks up, directly into my eyes.

"Who are you?"  He ponders but the question seems like it was more said to himself rather than to me. Still, I answer him.

"Ermm- I'm Sierra Blake,sir. The receptionist." He stares at me intently as if I've not finished my sentence.

He clears his throat before asking "How about a promotion?" The word 'promotion' baffles me. I've been her 2 years, at the front desk and before today he's never even looked twice at me. It all seems a little to convenient.

"A promotion sir? I've only been here 2 years it wouldn't be fair to people who've worked here a lot longer."  I reply, trying to deter from the subject and the real coincidental reason why i wouldn't like a bigger position within the company.

He brings his hand up to the stubble that decorates his jaw, a nervous trait?"Who's the boss?" He asks but it sounds more like a statement.

"You are sir?" I reply not really knowing where he's going. But, deciding I don't really want to decipher where the conversation might be heading.

"Oh good I'm glad you know. I wasn't sure due to your lack of respect and uncertainty."

His comment catches me off guard. He wears a cocky grin as the arrogance pools off of him. "Lack of what?! I've been polite and extremely courteous." I raise my voice slightly and instantly regret doing so.

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