Chapter 15

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Nates p.o.v

As soon as we arrive, Sierra grab her bags, and heads upstairs.

I knock on her door, but there's no response. I decide to take my chances of having a hairbrush thrown at me and just go in.

"Are you hungry?" I ask,running my fingers through my dishevelled hair.

She shakes her head, clearly not wanting me near her still.

"Sierra you haven't eaten." I say with a slight Volta in my  tone.

"Actually I did eat, while you were out getting drunk doing god knows what." She comments slightly raising her voice.

"You're talking to me now?" I mention with a small smirk on my face and raised eyebrows. The look on her face tells me I probably shouldn't have said that.

"Get out. I'll talk to you about work and that is it. Whatever this.."  she says indicating between the two of us "was, it's over. I don't want anything else to do with you. Until, you improve on your communication skills."

"You're acting like a child Sierra. We both know you don't mean that." I say  looking quite worried. Realising what an idiot I've been.

Eventually She gets fed up of arguing with me and decides to leave.

She pick her  purse up and head for the door.

"Where are you going?" I yell. Slightly confused as to where she's gonna go so late.

"Out." She yells back, pushing past me. Damn she's cute when she's mad.

"Like hell you are."  I say pinning her up against the wall. The same one i did a few months ago when She tried to leave.
Now I realise I really have fucked up again. We come so far and somehow I've managed to fuck it up again.

"Sierra don't leave me." I beg.

"I just need space."  She shouts , pushing me away and leaving me standing there begging for her not to go.

"Please." I beg  again. "It's not safe."

"Until you tell me what the fucks going on, I don't want to stay here."


She left me. She left again and it's all my fault.
I can't tell her what's going on, it's too dangerous. She'd be at risk if I tell her that some fucker got into the penthouse and tried setting fire to it.

Until we know more about it and who done it, I have to hide it from her. If that means losing her for now, then that's what I'll have to do it. If it keeps her safe, I'll do anything.


After a few hours, she still hasn't returned so I resulted in calling Mia and scarlet.

Everyone rushes over immediately, including my parents. Sierra's never met my parents but they're extremely important to me. My father helped me build the company up to where it is now. Without him I'd still be at the bottom. My mother is a nurse, she works long hours but spends every minute helping people, helping us. When I called them about this they were desperate to help.

"Nathan." I hear my mother shout as she emerges from the lift. I know immediately that it's my mother as she's the only one who calls be my full name.

She walks towards me with her arms out ready to embrace me. I don't see my parents enough as I'm always working.

I tell everyone the full story, including the fire starter and they all look at me with disapproval.

"Have you checked the cameras?" My father suggests.

I run my fingers through my hair nervously as I realise I probably should have done that before.

"Send me the footage from tonight." I message the tech guy. He replies almost immediately, sending me the link.

I open it and skip it to the time Sierra left. I see her walking slowly with her head down. She glances back a few times clearly regretting her decision on leaving.

We carry on observing the footage and that's when I see a dark figure walking behind her. He trailed her towards the door and then when she came close to leaving, he wrapped his arms around her, throwing her over his shoulder.

My blood started to boil and my heart started to ache as I see her fighting her way, trying to loosen herself from his tight grip. Eventually, her face turns emotionless and she stops fighting.

She looks defeated which is a look I never see on her. She's the most determined, strong willed person I've even met. Right now she shows weakness.

Only one person makes her feel like this and I'm determined to find HIM and get back what's MINE.

I turn round to see all the shocked faces surrounding and staring at me waiting for my reaction.

"I think I know who that is." I exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding before continuing.

After telling them about my idea, they agree it's probably the right person and could be the same person who tried to set the penthouse on fire.

I will get her back. Even if it means risking my own life.


All night I lay awake thinking about her. About what I last said. About her actions as she left me. About Everything that led to her abduction. I can't help but think that this is my fault.

I thought I was protecting her by not telling her but in actual fact, I've probably put her in more danger.

If I had told her sooner she may have been able to help. She could have known who it was. Instead I shut her out and drove her away as I always do.

She's gone because of me.

I lie awake all night, thinking about everything we've been through. From the first time I met her when she bumped into me in the elevator, to our first date, a do-over date and our last encounter.

Some of those aren't good memories but they're apart of us. Our story. I'm willing to risk everything; the money, the life, the business and everything I have, everything I've built, for her.

Because I love her. I still haven't been able to tell her that as every moment that seems perfect, something bad deters us. But I am determined to find her and to tell her.

Even if she hates me, as long as she's alive that's all that matters. I'll devote myself to her. I want her in every way possible.

She's the love of my life. My one true love. I'll make sure she knows that for the rest of her life. However long that will be...


It was late when I wrote this so there may be a few errors but I'll edit it later.
Sorry this chapters a little shorter, I wanted to release one in Nates perspective. There was a lot more action in this than love but not every episode can focus on that. We also got to meet Nates parents, before Sierra did 🙁.

- mads x

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