Chapter 25

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Sierra's p.o.v (1 year later)

Today's the day. Me and Nate are finally getting married. I'm at home with the girls and our mothers, while Nate is getting ready with Ethan, Killian and Luke. He decided they would be his pageboys and best man.

It's currently 10am and the wedding starts at 2pm so I decide to start getting ready.

After a quick shower I step out into the silk gown I bought for me and the girls to get ready in. The hairstylist and the makeup artist should be arriving any minute now.

I pace around the room while trying to calm myself down. Who knew getting married could stress you out so much. My mother has taken Embre out as I get ready.

The hairstylist quickly gets started on my hair and the makeup artist works her magic on my face.

After a few hours we're almost ready all that's left to do now, is for me to slip my dress on.
I've been so nervous that the dress wouldn't fit as every fitting I've been to, I've been losing weight. Baby weight.

I eventually slip my dress on with the help of Scarlet as the cars begin to arrive. It's a long white gown with a train behind it. It has long lacy sleeve that made me fall in love with it. The back is kind of open exposing my body a little which I know Nate will approve off as long as he can possess it.


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As we pull up to the venue my stomach begins to do backflips and I feel as though I'm about to vomit.

I suck up my nerves as we get closer to the opening. Zara walks in holding Embre and the girls slowly follow her as I'm the last to enter.

My dad links my arm as he walks me down the never ending aisle. As I get closer to the ending I see Nate staring at me. He wipes his cheeks as I realise him crying. I've only ever seen him cry twice before this. Both of them reasons were because of our beautiful children. My heart skips a beat as I notice I'm almost at the end of my walk and soon I'll be married to the love of my life.

I look to the side of him where I see Ethan standing, holding Asher who looks more and more like his father everyday.

Embre got most of my feature, whereas Asher definitely got his fathers features. He has that intense stare or the glint in his eyes when he wants something. I know that's a lot to get from someone who's 1 but I swear he'll turn out just like Nate.

My father lets go of my arm and kisses my cheek before sitting in his seat next to my mother.

The priest begins the ceremony but I can barely hear a word he's saying as I get lost in Nates intense stare. He looks at me with so much love and happiness that I couldn't picture my life being any different.

"Do you?" Nate asks and I realise we're at that part of the ceremony.

I quickly shake out of my day dream and I can see the grin on Nates face as he knows the effect he has on me.

"I do." I say rather too quickly.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the-" and before he can even finish, Nates lips crash onto mine causing me to almost fall over. We hear everyone behind us applauding as we finally make everything official.

We then head to our second venue where we decided to host the reception. It's a large hall with a dance floor. Tables surround the outside with name cards in front of each seat, allocating everybody.

Me and Nate sit at our table where dinner is soon served. He pours out some champagne into both our glasses, however I don't drink mine.

As everyone finishes up their desserts Nate and I proceed to make our way towards the dance floor for our first dance.

We chose 'love me like you do' for our first dance as it's the song Nate left on the piano when he proposed.

As the song comes to an end I lean towards his ear as I can finally tell him the secret I've kept for weeks.

"I'm pregnant." I whisper and he pulls back.

"Really? How long? God I love you." He starts firing questions, clearly excited.

"Only a few weeks love." I say matching his excitement.

"I told you we'd have more babies." He whispered with a smirk.

"I never doubted you." I wink at him.

He then pulls me in for another lustful, passionate kiss as we complete our dance.


As the night grows later and everyone becomes drunker we decide to go back to our hotel ready for our honeymoon tomorrow.

"Say goodbye Mrs Kingston, I want to get you out of this dress and ravish you to the point you can't stand." He states in a husky voice immediately catching my attention and causing my nether area to throb in anticipation of what's to come.

"Hmmm is that a promise Husband?" I mutter lowly, my arms wrapping around his neck while I place warm pecks along his jaw.

"I'm at your disposal for the rest of our lives now love. You can't get rid of my now." He winks with a satisfied grin playing on his lips. The man could flash me a smile and I'd fall into a pile of mush any day.

We say a long goodbye to our babies who are staying with Zara and Killian for a few weeks. This is the first time we've left them away for so long and I'm regretting it already.

Making  our way upstairs into the hotel room, Nate swoops me up into a bridal carry, very suitable for the situation, while he places a key card into the lock and practically swings the door off its hinges.

"I've been waiting to get you alone and out of this dress all day." Nate growls seductively.

The night we spent together was one of the best by far and I'll remember today as one of the happiest days of my life.


Thankyou so much for reading...

- mads x

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