Chapter 49- From Ashes

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Out of these ashes, beauty will rise.
—Steven Curtis Chapman


Shortly after Logan's declaration of Charlotte being his true mate, the two of them exit the den. Everyone sits in a moment of stunned silence before Trent, through a mouthful of food, proclaims, "That was awkward as fuck."

Gram, who happens to be sitting next to Trent, slaps him upside his head, "Watch your mouth."

Trent coughs as he swallows and chokes out, "Yes, ma'am."

"And don't be such a fuddy-duddy," she continues. "One day the love bug will bite you too. Right on your bitter ass."

Watching the guy that has a never-ending supply of comebacks go radio-silent is priceless. He just sits there and listens as Gram continues to lecture him about being open to receive love and how to be a gentleman. And no one jumps in to save him. On the contrary, by the amused smiles around the table, I think we are all enjoying the bastard getting an earful. His love and respect for Gram requires that he just sit there and take all of her lecturings.

"The Creator has a mate planned for you Trent," she continues, "I wouldn't be surprised if you've already met her."

Thea bolts up from her chair. "Pie!" She glances at our surprised faces and explains, "We brought pie. I'm gonna go slice them up."

As she leaves the room, Mom stands up. "Okay, since the sun is fixing to set and the day has turned out to be warmer than it has been in a coon's age, let's enjoy our pies on the deck. Micah, will you go get the fire pit going? Everyone else, let's clear the table."

Twenty minutes later we are all seated on the deck as we watch the sun fall asleep, shielded behind four sloping, charcoal mountains. Each covered with trees that are strong, black soldiers, standing in an unmoving row. Smaller and tougher than the one before, the silhouettes pierce the sun's rays until they filter out in golden, broken fragments.

The fire-pit offers enough warmth to fight off the chill of the approaching darkness and illuminates the faces of all present. Everly is settled into my lap as she watches her mother and Logan hold hands and whisper to one another. Charlotte smiles at the Alpha with so much adoration and I can't help but inwardly grin at the thought that Hank will soon meet his end.

"Hello, White River Pack," Doc's voice greets from the trail that leads to the lake. He and CeCe step onto the deck and join us near the fire. "Charlie, it is time. Everything is ready."

Everly stiffens as she sits forward, "Time for what?"

Charlie stands and addresses the gathering, "Today has been a day of celebrating the things and the people we are thankful for. But we can't forget the ones that we've lost. We will honor their memory tonight." He releases a deep breath before continuing, "I've spoken with Charlotte, Mason, and Micah and we all agree. Everly brought my brothers home and tonight, we'd like to have a short memorial for Chris and Chet."

As Charlie turns to follow Doc, we all slowly stand and make our way down the trail. I hold Everly's hand as we walk down to the lake. There is a bonfire near the shore and a rectangular, wooden box sitting on a small, log raft resting on the sandy beach.

Standing in a semicircle around the fire, we face Doc and CeCe as they begin the ceremony.

CeCe holds a lit smudge stick in one hand while she flicks a long feather through the smoke with her other. Walking around the raft she wisps the tendrils of smoke around it as she chants in a low voice.

The Element: A Shift in the Water (Completed) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें