Chapter Five

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I wake up far too early I rub my eyes and see only darkness. I climb over Phoebe's sleeping figure and walk across the creeky floor. I wince as every step makes enough noise to wake the dead. I fix my gaze on the door hoping that mother doesn't awake.

I brush through my hair get dressed. Then I sit on the bed waiting for the sun. I must have fallen asleep because it comes quickly and Phoebe finally wakes.

We creep past mother choosing to deal with her later. I pull a face at Phoebe everytime a floor board creeks. Eventually she has to turn away to avoid laughing aloud. After eating we escape out of the front door.

Sunlight filts through the trees and shines on the all but deserted street. The air is cold and I wrap my patterned jacket tighter around me.

Today, we manage to visit Grandmother without incident. The hallways are crowded but we reach the room. Phoebe and I open the door and grandmother ushers us in "Hi you two!

"Hello." Phoebe says taking a seat on the edge of the bed. I perch next to her looking at the surounding room. The bed sits next to three visitor chairs. There all mismatched, the only thing in common between them being how uncomfortable they are. Theres another door other than the exit which leads to a small but usable bathroom.

The paint is white and clean and grandmother has hung up a few photographs. There's a dresser and everything else you would need. Downstairs there is a shared living room and kitchen.

I tune in and listen to Grandmother talk animatedly. "The food here tastes like dog sh-"

"Grandmother!" I cut in horrified. Who knew old ladies swore? Or, perhaps it's just my grandmother.

"What?" She protests. I just shake my head disbelievingly. Grandmother reaches for her glasses which lie on the bedside cabinet. She misjudges the distance and hits her hand lightly on the wooden cabinet. "Ouch!" She complains breathlessly "That's going to leave a bruise."

Phoebe giggles ans passes her the glasses. Grandmother frowns "Old age is the worst." Then Grandmother laughs shaking it off.

I smile at the genuinly happy expressions on everyone's faces. I hate to interupt but still I say "I'm going to buy something to eat."

Grandmother sends me away with a wave of her hand "Don't get me nothing, I already ate." I nod and head out.

After leaving the space I wonder down the corridors aimlessly, keeping my eyes peeled. I come to a turning and debate on which way to turn. I look down the left side and then straight ahead. Both look equal to me. Straight I decide eventually but then I feel an arm tugging me around.

"What..." I begin before I see it's Mike. I fold my arms across my chest, "Really? You almost gave me a heart attack." I complain.

He shrugs "What you doing?"

"Looking." is my ingenius answer.

"For what?" Mike presses.

"Food," I answer. Then breaking my chain of mono-sylable answers I question, "Why do you ask?"

Mike ignores me and pulls me down the left turning. Eventually he answers "Me too. I'll show you where to go."

I try to protest but my voice is swallowed by the noise made by many bustling people. I resign myself to my fate and follow him warilly. When he stops outside McDonalds I roll my eyes. "Really?" I ask.

"Yup." Mike replies dragging me in. I walk quickly after him worried my arm might drop off, we recive many curious stares which I easily ignore. I roll my eyes again when he orders himself a happy meal. Thing is I never roll my eyes, he just brings out the worst in me.

I get nuggets for me and a happy meal fot Phoebe. "Is that for your sister?" He asks. I nod wondering how he remembered that I told him I had a sister.

"What are you doing here?" I probe. Hoping it's something intereting.

Mike grins "Eating." He says, obviously thinking he's so smart. I sigh dissapointedly.

We get back to the room and Phoebe strikes up a conversation that I barely listen to. Instead I look at the photo's hanging on the wall. The most recent one is of Phoebe and I holding hands. The rest are arranged in chronological order from youngest to oldest.

The first photo is of mother and father hand in hand, they have happy grins on both there faces. As the photo's get older I see one of mother with a hand on her very pregnant belly. Where one might expect a happy smile is an absent minded frown.

One of mother and father hand in hand - niether is smiling this time and there's a bruise on mothers cheek. Then there's one of Grandmother in fancy dress for halloween.

I shift my stare to Phoebe who is talking with Mike. They talk about t.v, games, sweets and every other pointless topic there ever was. But the point is, Phoebe I talking.

Mike asks "Do you have a wii or x-box or anything?"

Phoebe shrugs "No, not really."

"What?" Mike shrieks disbelievingly. "You poor, deprived child!" He says with sympathy, shaking his head a small grin on his face.

Phoebe says "I usually play games with Emma or watch t.v. but theres never anything good on," she says wrinkling her nose ditastfully.

Mike laugh good-naturedly. "Your right about that. Do you like watching movies too?" He promts.

Phoebe nods entuiastically. "Yeah! I love Ice Age, the squirel is so cute..."

Mike interupts "Its a squirel? I always wondered what that was, but I guess that makes sense." He muses thoughtfully.

I look amazed at the two. Phoebe rarely speaks much to anyone. She only really has proper conversations with me. She's shy around new people. Or correction, was shy around new people.

She hasn't talked this much since... I guess since Dad.

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