Chapter Forty-Six

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It's almost Christmas and decorations are spinging up all over the plasce. Plastic Santas that light up in the window and Christmas trees in many of the rooms. Jamie's hair is a festive shade of christmas tree green that matches Lee's new trainers.

The days fly by and I find myself Christmas shopping with Jamie and Lee. The weather is cold and reflects the season perfectly. It might even snow, I really hope it does. We at a jelwley shop and Lee is fawning over beautiful necklace. Its real silver with a simple, red jewl on the end. She gasps at the price tag and we move on.

The next shop holds stationary and everything you would need to create a piece of art. Clay, canvases, paints, brushes, stencils and much more. Jamie wonders off and Lee sneakily buys something. She hide's ths canvas and paints behind her back. Or at least she thinks she's hiding them. In reality anyone with eyes can see what she's carrying. Its good that Jamie has dissapeared into another isle. She looks at me and holds her finger to her lips. I nod, knowing that the item is Jamie's Christmas present. I remember Lee saying how good at drawing Jamie is. I take my bag off. It has only a few things left inside and I take out some money.

At the end of the trip we have all brought gifts for our family and friends. I know both Jamie and Lee have brought me presents but I don't pry. I like surprises, as long as there good ones. Lee goes ahead and I hang back with Jamie "What did you buy her?"

She pulls out the beautiful necklace Lee wanted from the jewlrey store. My eyes widen and I look at Jamie "That cost a fortune!"

She shrugs "Yeah, I know." I look at her confusedly, it must have wiped out most of the cash. Jamie must have read the bewilderment on my face because she confesses "I love her." I blink as that information processes. Jamie takes my silence the wrong way because she says defensivly "I know I'm going to burn in hell, my parents were devoted Christions."

I quickly reasure her "No, its not that I was just, taking it in. Is that why your here, in care?"

Jamie nods. "My parents hated that I was different, it went against there religion. I couldn't take it anymore. They didn't hit me of course but I'd rather be hit than suffer there poisonious glares. So I ran away. Only managed for a month before I was taken in."

It's not fair. Your parents are the two people you should be able to depend on. They should love you no matter what. You parents should never abandon there child, no matter what the circumstances. Yet my parents abondond me, because they needed someone to blame for there own mistakes. I seemed adaquite for the purpose. Jamie's parents didn't care for her because of something they believed to be a sin. However she can't help who she is attracted to, it's not a choice. She has sinned but God is forgiving and Jamie is a good person. God will forgive her and she will go to heaven. If he is real, then surely this will happen.

Days later we're in Jamie's room, she is lucky enough to get her own. Her walls are a multitude of different colours all painted in weird shapes. The only two colours not there are black and white.

We sit cross-legged on soft, cushy pillows when the social worker walks in. She looks happy and she says brightly "We have some parents looking to adopt."

Jamie and Lee perk up but I slouch down knowing that it's not me those parents want. No one would pick me over bright and bubbly Jamie and a pink loving Lee. The social worker tuts "Now girls, I'm after..." She looks slightly shocked as she reads the name off her paper. "Emma Riley."

Great. Even my social worker thinks it's a surprise someone wants to adopt me. I feel the same but the least she could do is pretend, she's getting paid to care. I turn momentarilly and collect my presents for them from a shopping bag and dropping them into there hands.

"Still got to wait untill Christmas before you open them." I order, knowing they'll open them the minute I walk out of the room. I put my presents from them in the shopping bag. I then pick up the bag. I barely manage to wave and say goodbye before I'm dragged to my room and am ordered to pack up and change clothes. Looks like everyone has their hope's pinned on me going off with these people. I dress nicely, but not overly so. I have on my denim jacket and leggings. My t-shirt is sparkly with unreadable writing curling along it. I take my backpack full of items with me.

I ask my social worker questions "What are they like? Why haven't I met them?"

"There a couple. Apparently had some right trouble, they wanted it all done in a rush. That could have been arranged but the circumstances weren't too great. They wanted you and your sister specifically and that changed things. We never thought we'd get rid of you, your sister would have got adopted fine by that lovely family who were fostering her. But it looks better on paper if we send you off together though so... here you are!" She rambles. And this social workers the nice one.

I don't have high hopes for my adoptive parents. The social worker didn't exactly flatter them, sort of made them sound like a pair of loosers.

They come into view. I freeze and my jaw practically hits the floor. I'm literally speechless. I gape doing a good impression of a goldfish before regaining use of my legs. I run forward at full pelt before running and jumping into his arms.



Merry Christmas Everyone xxx

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