Mike's POV

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Mike's POV

I'm sitting at the kitchen talking with Layla who is sitting across from me. Layla is the Lady I had dinner with a few weeks ago. I met her again when I was going to a therapy session. She works in the building and she has become a friend over the last few days.

Our conversation has died down and we sit in a comfortable silence. I look into her sparkling blue eyes and can't look away. She leans forwards slowly and my eyes close of their own accord. Then her lips touch mine. Only for a moment, but long enough.

I don't know how I didn't see it. The way she tucks her hair behind her ear, and my heart skips a beat. The way when she smiles, I smile to. The way when she's sad, I want to make her laugh. Suddenly it's crystal clear and I kiss her, pressing my lips to hers.

She pulls away first and fiddles nervously with her top. "I, I better go."

I stand up and walk her to the door. We stand in the doorway and she whispers "Goodbye." There's something final about that word.

"I'll see you later?" I ask uneasily. When I say later I don't specify if its later today, later this week or something else.

She looks at me and smiles sadly and shakes her head. The smile says it all, even without the shake of her head. Then she turns around and walks away. Every time her feet touch the floor in feels like she's stomping all over my heart and breaking into tiny pieces. Not once does she look back.

The engine starts and the car drives away. I slam the door, hard. I need to release my anger on something, before something becomes someone. I march into the kitchen before flopping into one of the chairs. As I sit down I feel the anger drain away and I'm left mostly confused.

We were friends. I might have even told her my secret. The secret I don't tell anyone, until recently. Recently I seem to be spilling my guts often. Why did I tell Emma again? Oh wait, because she gave me those puppy dog eyes. Damn those puppy dog eyes. But that's beside the point. We were friends, Layla and I. Then she kissed me. I realised maybe I want to be more than friends with her. Actually scrap maybe, try defiantly. Then she walks out of here like it's nothing to her, and perhaps it is. But for me, it's something.

I won't try and pretend I know exactly what just happened. But the girl I love just walked out the door, with the promise I wouldn't see her again. My eyes widen. I just said I loved her. What's more, I mean it.

I'm so screwed. Who knew my life would turn into one of those useless romance novels? But I hate to break it to you, there are no sparks. Unless you touched an electric fence. While there are no sparks the reality is so much better. Reality is being in someone's arms looking into their eyes and being content to stay there forever, and knowing they feel the same. And I think she feels the same. So why did she run?

I hear the patter of footsteps and look up to see Emma hovering by the doorway. Her eyes are full of understanding and I smile sadly at her. Then she rolls her eyes. I blink then scowl at her "Whats with the eye rolling? You think this is funny?"

She replies calmly "Your acting like a idiot." I shake my head at her at rest my head in my palms. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself! It won't get you anywhere." She demands angrily.

I raise an eyebrow at her, what she got to be angry about? I know feeling sorry for myself won't get me anywhere, but I don't know what else to do. I look at her helplessly.

"You're hopeless. It a good job you have me." She says in a weary voice.

I cautiously watch her as she walks towards me. She grabs my arm with surprising strength and drags me away. I curiously follow her and Phoebe has come down the stairs and is doing the same. Where are we going? She drags me around to my neighbours and friends house. She knocks three times and waits.

The door swings open and Lauren is standing there with her arms folded. I'm struck with déjà-vu. "Anymore handcuffs you need to break out of?" Lauren asks.

"Nope. They were a right pain to remove last time." Emma says cheerfully. "Could we borrow your car? And actually you may need to drive it too, since none of us can." She gestures to herself, Phoebe and me.

Begrudgingly she glances at me. "I'll do it for you Emma. Where do you want to go?"

Emma smiles and runs to the car. I follow her while Lauren opens it. Soon we're driving in the direction Layla left. "Direct us towards her place Mike." Emma orders.

I can't believe I'm being swept into this girl's crazy schemes. How do I even know if she likes me back? Even if she does why did she leave? Doesn't that mean she wants to be alone? I ask Emma and she says "Have you ever watched a romance movie?"

I nod.

"Did the girl run away?" She asks.

I think about it and nod again in answer to her question.

"The then guy chased after her and got his girl. If you don't go after her you're not going to get her back." Emma advises. True, but the thing is, she was never mine to lose.

Her point remains and I find myself trying to remember the directions to Layla's apartment. I've only been once and my memory isn't that great. Suddenly it all comes rushing back to me and I yell happily "Right!"

Emma's annoyed voice comes from the back seat, "We're not deaf, and you don't have to speak so loudly. Oh and Lauren, please stop at a florist on the way please." She adds more kindly.

I ignore her focusing totally on how to get to our destination. Focusing so hard in fact I barely notice when we stop for flowers, and I don't even stop to think about what I'm going to say. Now I'm on her doorstep with a bunch of white roses I wish I'd put more thought into it.

The door swings open and Layla is standing there, eyes widened in surprise.

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