Part 5

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I turned around fastly and raised up the bat in my hand ready to swing. Then I see the person walking down the last step. It was my Aunt Pam. "Aunt Pam You scared the hell out of me!" I said breathing from relief. "It was suppose to be a surprise baby, I'm sorry" she said laughing. "What are you doing all the way out here in Cali teetee!" I asked smiling. "So I haven't been telling you everything, but I met this man about 6 months ago on a dating site & he lives here in Cali" she said smiling. I got so excited for her. "Teeeeteeeee got her groove back, so why haven't you told me about this mister!" I asked messing with her. "Because I wanted to make sure him and I were serious. I'll be 36 soon and I'm not gonna get any younger so it's time for me to Settle my ass down!" She said laughing. "I'm so happy for you! Are y'all going on a date?" I asked. "Yes baby, tomorrow night matter of fact!" She said. "You know I gotta hook up you up. I don't work tomorrow so we can go shopping!" I said. "Oh that'll be perfect." She said. "Does momma know your here?" I asked. "She does" she said. "Omg you two are so sneaky" I laughed.  We both started laughing. "This house is beautiful, it's small yet so big!" She said smiling looking at my home. "Thank you teetee, it took a lot of effort to get this place!" I said smiling. "So how have you been baby?" She asked. "Lord last night was was crazy, you'd be very disappointed if I told you." I said. "Baby you can tell me anything." She said. As soon as I began to talk Jamal walked thru the door. "Hey baby" he said trying to kiss my jaw. I moved back missing his kiss. My aunt looked at me with a smirk. She always have me tripping out. "Jamal this is my Aunt Pam!" I said. "Nice to meet you" he said giving her a hug. "Nice to meet you to baby." My aunt said. "I'm starving!" Jamal said. "Well since your starving how about you cook while me and my baby catch up!" My Aunt Pam said. Aunt Pam was like my brain. She said everything I thought but yet she said it out loud, that is why I love her so much. Jamal looked funny for a sec and then smiled. "Yes mam, I'ma just go shower!" He said smiling walking towards our bedroom. "Aunt Pam Would You Like Some Vodka and orange juice?" I said as we both walked to the kitchen. "Girl, you don't know about that, I brought some e&j !" She said laughing. Me and her both bursted out laughing. "TeeTee you is a mess!" I laughed. "You know teetee ain't lost it one bit." She said moving her hips and laughing. "Teetee I'll be right back!" I said laughing and walking to my bedroom. I shut my bedroom door and walked on in and seen my bathroom door cracked open. Jamal was taking off his clothes and I walked in. "Damn baby you miss daddy?" He said. I laughed then looked at him serious. "Let me smell you d*ck!" I said. "FOR WHAT?" He yelled. "LET ME SMELL IT RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" I yelled.

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