Chapter 20: My sister is a Cat

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It was the next day at school and you saw Jughead and waved and he waved back. You walked over and he kissed you and you kissed back. But you got a bad feeling.
"I'm going to go check on Veronica my twin senses are saying something is wrong." You said.
He nodded understanding.
"You are unbelievable Archie! You literally have zero loyalty!" Veronica yelled.
"What happened?" You thought.
"Okay Ronnie what's wrong?" Archie asked.
"What's wrong Archie besides the fact you have no integrity what's so ever. Is that your father kissed my mother." Veronica said.
You put your head in your hand and sighed.
"Maybe I should leave." Valerie said awkward.
"No hold on. Hold on." Archie said to Val.
"When my Dad told me how he felt about it they seem like they were both really into each other." Archie said.
Veronica gave him a nasty look. "They're married to other people."
"Hey my mom and Dad are separated your dad is-" Archie began.
"Just because our dad is somewhere else doesn't mean your dad can kiss our mom." You said.
"Wait my Dad is what?" Veronica asked with venom.
"He's incarcerated. Right?" Archie asked.
"That is so not the point Archie!" You and Veronica yelled.
"Of course not of course not. I'm sorry you are both right." Archie said.
"Do you wanna talk about it we can go somewhere and talk." Archie said.
Veronica grabbed her stuff.
"Or do you want your part back?" Archie asked.
"Oh don't do me any favors Archie." Veronica said glaring. Then she walked away.
You sighed and sat down.
"What's up with her F/N?" Archie asked.
"Listen I Dont particularly agree with my father but I still love him. I love my mom. I want them together. I don't want my family to break up. Veronica wants the same. But sometimes Veronica and I we lose our temper." You said.
Archie sighed. "I understand that."
"Archie do you really? Or you think you understand it? Anyway I have to go." You said getting up.
"Not because of you or anything but because I have stuff to do." You said.
You walked out and saw Veronica with cat ears.
"Oh my God my sister is a cat." You said.
She looked over and smiled and you looked down.
You saw Jughead next to you.
"I'm going to go with Betty now." Jughead said.
"Can I come?" You asked.
"F/N I don't want you in trouble if we get caught." Jughead said and grabbed your hand.
"I want you safe." Jughead said.
"Fine. But please be safe." You begged.
"I'll be fine." Jughead smiled and kissed you.
You watched him walk away.
"Please be safe and don't fall for Betty." You hoped.

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