Chapter 68: The Deal

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After a couple of hours of spending time with your family you saw your Dad have a solemn expression on his face.
"We have something to discuss with you F/N." Your Dad said.
"What is it?" You asked worried.
"F/N your wounds the nurse said if something worse happens again in that same spot then we might lose you forever. We can't think about that thought." Your Mom began.
"So in order to protect you F/N we need you to help the family business in another country. You'll manage the company and hopefully make it prosper which will help us here and I can guarantee your safety which I can't guarantee I have failed as a father." Your Dad said on the verge of tears.
"So I'll leave everyone here. Will I ever be able to come back?" You asked feeling hopeless.
"When it's safe of course." Your Dad answered.
"F/N I don't want you to leave but it's for your safety and I need my sister to be safe. Veronica said.
You didn't know what to do you but you were sobbing thinking about leaving everyone.
"Being in Sweetpea." You said.
They nodded and sent Sweetpea in.
"Hey Princess how are you?" He asked.
"Sad. My family told me that I should leave Riverdale to be safe." You said crying.
"It's going to be okay I'll wait however long for you." Sweetpea said hugging you.
But while you were hugging him you kept thinking about Jug and how he made you smile and laugh and everything you two went through.
"Sweetpea I have something to tell you." You said.
"What is it?" He asked worried.
"I don't know if I love you or if I love Jughead." You cried.
He turned away and you could see tears running down his face.
"I'm sorry." You sobbed.
"If you don't know then I doubt you actually love me." Sweetpea replied in tears.
You didn't have words you just continued to cry.
"Goodbye F/N." Sweetpea cried and walked away.
As you were crying Veronica walked in without anyone.
"I already told Archie and Betty but I haven't told Jughead. What are you going to do?" She asked.
"I have to go Roni. For my safety but for also the family business and even more than that to keep you and everyone else safe." You said wiping your tears.
"I respect that but I'm going to miss you." Veronica cried and hugged you tightly.
"I'm going to miss you more." You sobbed.

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