Chapter 37: Plans and More Plans

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You were sitting next to Jughead as he was writing his novel. It was now close to homecoming and you were wary about it. You wanted to go with Jughead but you also weren't that much of a fan of dances at least not like your sister.
"So homecoming." Jughead said unexpectedly.
"Are we going together?" You asked.
"Do you...want to?" Jughead asked awkwardly.
"If I'm with you sure." You smiled.
Jughead smiled and gave you a hug.
You felt a buzz and you checked your phone.
"Betty." You mumbled.
"What does she want?" Jughead asked.
You skimmed the text. "She just wants to know if I'm free. I'll be back." You said and pecked his cheek.
You walked to the Blue and Gold and you saw Betty and Mrs Cooper.
"Close the door." Mrs Cooper instructed.
You instructed and you walked next to Betty and Veronica.
"I need you to look around this room. Whoever is not in this room is a possible murder suspect." Mrs Cooper stated.
"Including Josie and her band." She added.
"Mom." Betty sighed.
"Now let's talk about your father." Mrs Cooper said and looked at you and Veronica.
"He has an epic grudge against the Blossoms so yes it's totally within the realm of possibility he hired someone to kill Jason. Maybe Jughead's Dad." Veronica said and looked at you.
"Veronica you can't believe this." You said in disbelief.
"Look at the facts F/N is it that hard to believe?" She asked.
You sighed. "No but."
"Our Dad paid Jughead's Dad to trash the drive in. Maybe he paid him to." Veronica began.
"Commit murder." Mrs Cooper cut in.
"And for all we know that Serpent is an accomplish." She added.
"What are you basing that off? That you saw FP and Joaquin talking?" Betty asked.
"It didn't look like they were talking it looked like they were conspiring." Mrs Cooper said.
"Conspiring what?" You asked.
"That's what I need you to find out." Mrs Cooper said.
"Either through Jughead or FP directly without raising suspicion of course. Which is why I have prepared a list of questions." Mrs Cooper smiled.
"No I'm not participating in this. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. You can't base anything on just by two people talking. I'm done." You said and stormed out the room.

It was now lunch and you were sitting with the gang.
"Sorry to interrupt but I have an announcement to make. One that potentially involves you Betty." Cheryl said.
"I'm bringing Polly to the dance as my date. We are campaigning as co queens of homecoming." Cheryl said.
"Why?" Betty asked confused.
"Because Nightmare Smurfette by all rights it should of been Polly and Jason on that stage to be crowned. This is the next best thing so don't forget to vote and I'll see everyone at my coronation." Cheryl smile and sashayed away.
"Betty at the homecoming dance can I play a couple songs? I kinda told my mom that- woah you don't want me to?" Archie asked as he saw the mean look plastered on Betty's face.
"No it's not that it's just that this dance needs to be fun and your songs are amazing as they are." Betty said.
"Make you depressed." You said.
"That's putting it nicely." Jughead said.
"In an amazing way." Veronica said.
"No need to fret Archie asked me to sing with him and we're thinking about doing some upbeat covers." Veronica said.
"We are?" Archie asked.
"Aren't we?" Veronica asked.

Diamond Girl and Beanie Boy Jughead Jones x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя