The Big Accusation (1/3)

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I wriggle around in my bed before I hesitantly wake up. I yawn as I sit up to stretch my sore muscles and crack my bones. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and sigh as I rub the sleep out of my eyes. I feel a warm liquid rub down my face.

My eyes snap open as I stare down at my bloody hands and a silver gun in my hands.

"What the-"

I stand up frantically drop the gun, which went off with a loud boom! I yell and duck down to prevent from getting shot.

I check my body for any wounds. When there wasn't any, I've came to the conclusion that this was someone else blood.

Surely enough, when I look at my bed, I see a shirtless man with five bullet wounds: one to the head, one to the throat and three to the chest.

My heart starts to race and I yell at the top of my lungs. I slowly backpedal away from the dead man and trip over another body, a body of a woman.

My head smacks against my wooden floors and my vision starts to get blurry. When it finally regains, I am looking into dull, blue eyes of a middle aged woman with a bullet hole right in between her eyes.

I notice that I am literally laying in a pool of her blood and I start to freak out.

I try to wipe away as much of the blood away as I could whilst scoot myself into a corner. I tuck my knees to my chest and rocks myself in attempt to calm my nerves.

I gasp loudly when three loud knocks are at my door.

"Police, open up!" A deep, male voice calls.

My kind process what he said perfectly, but my body remained froze in its place. The knocks grew louder and the police says:

"Miss Y/L/N, if you do not open the door, I will have to knock it down!"

My body started to shake with fear and tears escaped my eyes. A loud boom from the police knocking down my door.

"Miss Y/L/N?" One of the policemen says as they check my house.

Once they walk into my room, I hear one of them say:

"Oh my God,"

The other policemen speaks into his microphone:

"Dispatch, this is Officer Sherman, I'm calling in a 187 at address 4286 Milestone Drive. I repeat there has been a murder at 4286 Milestone Drive."

"T-there is s-so much blood." I say in a soft voice.

"Ma'am would you stand up please?" One of the policemen asks.

He tucks away his gun, but the other officer kept his out. He crouched held his hand out for me to take and I shake my head before continuing to rock myself again.

"Take my hand ma'am," He says.

I look at his hand and look up at him. His light blue eyes had compassion in them, so it became a little bit easier for me to trust him.

I place my hand in his and he hauled me up.

"I didn't kill them, I swear. I just woke up and-"

"Shhh. It's best if you don't say anything. Because if you say anything that pertains to this case. Then I can use it against you in the court of law." He says, looking into my eyes.

"You're vulnerable because you are in shock. You're prone to say things that you don't really mean. Many other officers take advantage of that, but I'm not." He adds.

He pulls off his jacket and moves to put on me until I say:

"Wait.. the blood could ruin your jacket."

"I don't really care, it's just a jacket. I can get another one." He says, draping the jacket over my shoulders.

"Why are you helping me?" I ask.

"Because I know you didn't do this,"

He walks over to talk with the other officer and he put his back into his holster.

"When are we going to handcuff her?" The other officer asks.

"We're not going to handcuff her,"

"What? It's protocol-"

"I'm well aware of what the protocol is.. She is harmless and she is in shock about what she just witnessed. She won't try anything." The nice officer says.

"And just how do you know? Because you looked into her innocent doe eyes. For all we know, she could be one of those manipulative woman who seek the right man who would fall for her act. And you are her victim-"

"That's enough. She doesn't get the cuffs." The nice officer interrupts.

After a few moments of silence, the other officer says:

"Yes, sir."

The nice officer approaches me and says:

"Hey.. what's your name?"

"Y/N," I answer.

"Okay, Y/N, my name is Derek. We're going to take you back to the station for questioning, without the handcuffs. Is that alright with you?" He asks.

I nod my head and wrap the large jacket around my body.

"Alright, follow me." He says.

I follow him to the police car and on the way, we pass a team of body examiners and paramedics. I felt their stares on me as I pass and it made me feel uncomfortable. Derek notices and says:

"Did you lose something over here?"

The accusing gazes stop and they drove me to the station for questioning.

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