The Big Accusation (2/3)

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I put my arms into the long sleeves and rest the edge of the sleeves on the back of my neck. I bow my head and try to think, but all I could see whenever I closed my eyes were their dead bodies.

My heart jumped when the door opened abruptly.

"I can get her food if I want to. She isn't our prisoner." I hear Derek's voice.

"By the looks of the crime scene, she will be." An unknown voice says.

"Oh can it, Murphy or I'll can you." Derek threatens.

The door closes and the aroma of Chinese food mixing in the air. The scent comes closer and Derek sets down a white container with a Chinese symbol on either side, a fork and a bottle of Mellow Yellow.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that. They're close minded people, quick to judge. That's what makes them bad cops." Derek says before flipping the chair around and sitting in it.

"Thank you," I say.

"No problem,"

"So what brought you here to D.C.?" He adds.

"I wanted a new life.. a better life. My father, was a control freak and he didn't care much about anybody besides himself. I didn't want to be around that kind of person any more... so I left without a trace." I explain.

I took the fork and open the package to reveal Chow Mein, my favorite Chinese food dish.

"How did you know that Chow Mein was my favorite?" I ask before taking a bite.

"I... have my ways." He says innocently.

I raise an eyebrow at him and ask:

"Should I be concerned?"

"Hey I'm a cop, okay? I can find things that some people don't even know about themselves. Because I'm just that good," he says.

"Oh so you're one of the cocky ones. I knew it was too good to be true."

"You will be surprised." He says.

I take another bite of my Chow Mein as I lock eyes with him. His lips stretch into a smile and I find myself doing the same.

"Y/N, you do not have answer any of his questions. He is obstructing your right to remain silent unless your attorney is present, which he can be prosecuted for." Harrison says as he bursts into the room.

Derek stands and so do I.

"Wait, Harrison, he wasn't interrogating me.If anything, he was taking care of me until you came." I justify.

Harrison eyes Derek before gazing at me.

"Well I appreciate you taking care of my client, but I think I can take it from here." Harrison says coldly.

"I'm sorry," I mouth to Derek.

"Don't sweat it. Good luck with your trial." He says with a small smile.

When he walks passed Harrison, they have some kind of macho macho stare down with one another.

I roll my eyes at their clicheness.

The door closes and Harrison sits in front of me.

"What was that?" He asks in low voice.

"What do you mean?" I ask in the same manner.

"Him bringing you food? Giving you his jacket? He was trying to seduce you into slipping up, and you almost let him." He says.

"What are you talking about? He was just being nice. Everyone else were acting like complete assholes except for Derek." I say.

"Oh? So you are on a first name basis now?" He asks with disbelief.

"Jeez, Harrison. What is your problem?" I ask him.

He looks at the table and clenches his jaw in thought.

"You killed them didn't you? You killed that older couple and you are the one trying to seduce the cop into thinking otherwise." He accuses.

"That is complete bull and you know it." I snap as I stand from the table.

"How could you even say that?" I ask.

His eyes had a new fire in them, and that's when it all became clear: he was jealous of Derek.

"You need to put all jealousy and territorial nonsense aside, because the future of the rest of my life is at stake here! So you better leave whatever emotional ties you have, outside that door. You are one of the best lawyers I know, and I need you to focus." I say.

He sighs and pinches the bride of his nose.

"I know.. I'm sorry." He says.

"Olivia trained me to be the best, and she can tell whether or not someone is lying by their eyes. So tell me, Y/N, look me in the eye and say: 'I did not kill that older couple'." He adds.

I pull my chair forward and sit in it.

"I did not kill that older couple. Harrison, you have to believe me." I say.

He looks deep into my eyes and at that moment, I wanted him to hold me and reassure me that everything was going to be alright. But he couldn't, he was on duty as my lawyer.

He nods and says:

"Alright.. now let's prove your innocence and win this case."

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