The Big Accusation (3/3)

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Two weeks ago, I was accused of a double homicide. That same week, Harrison became my lawyer and tried his best to prove my innocence. Things would have went by quicker if an anonymous person sent the police the footage of me bringing the older couple into my home with audio. You could hear the screams and the gun shots and everything.

This landed me in prison for five days until Olivia and her crew found me innocent. Turns out, my blood had traces of a type of chemical that makes you susceptible to mind control and you don't remember a thing about it.

It was a rare toxin, which made it easier to find out who framed me. The police are still looking, but I have a feeling that they won't figure out who did this to me. Just that only, narrows it down to a small list of people, but I think I already know who did it. And there was nothing I could do about it.

When I came out of prison and I wanted to go straight my house to curl up into a ball and cry. But I couldn't because my house was still under investigation.

Harrison offered for me to use his place until my house was cleared, so that's where I've been staying for the time being. I couldn't cry, not if Harrison could hear me. So I figure that if couldn't cry, I could always numb it by drinking.

I am at the bar where Harrison first met, ordering my fourth glass of bourbon.

"You might want to slow down, don't want you getting alcohol poisoning." The bartender says.

"I appreciate your concern, but I have an iron (hiccup) stomach (hiccup)." I say before giggling.

The bartender looks at me with a piercing face and I say:

"Fine, I'll make you a deal.. I'm not going to stop drinking.. but I will drink something less strong. How about whiskey?"

He shakes his head and I say:


He shakes his head again and I say:

"You drive a hard bargain.. how about a club soda and vodka mix? Sixty percent is club soda and forty percent is vodka."

He huffs in annoyance before putting out the glass, vodka and club soda.

"Yes!" I say.

Harrison's P.O.V.:
"Y/N?" I call as I set down my bag.

The apartment was dead silent, which causes alarm. I checked all of the rooms but she wasn't here. My heart started to race when I saw that she left her phone here. My mind immediately thought the worst. The same person who drugged her and made her kill that couple, has kidnapped her. I don't even know if she is alive or not?

She would never leave without taking her phone. Especially after recent events.

I pace in my living room whilst press my phone to my forehead as I think of what to do. I could call the cops and Olivia.. but what if there was a reasonable explanation for this and I'm just over reacting?

A call snapped me out of my thoughts. The caller ID was from the local bartender.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Eh, Harrison, I think I have something that belongs to you." He says.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Y/N, she came in about three hours ago. She's been ordering glasses of bourbon ever since she got here. And she just negotiated with me for give her a glass of vodka and club soda. And now she's have an emotional breakdown, which is making me worry about her mental state. I figured that you'd want to know." He explained.

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