Stay Strong ~♡ Pt.3- Help is on the way!

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Text Message From: Min Yoongi at 5:09 AM

"Jin, Jimin is in pain great pain. I am sitting behind him as we speak. I think he twisted his Ankle,but I think he also hurt his back and others parts of his body. Jimin told me not to call for ambulance. I don't know how what else to do.
His breathing is fast and heavy. He says his head hurts as well. We are at dance studio. Jimin tells me that it's hard to move and speak. He feels tired. Jin,Please come quick with the others." -Yoongi

Jin's phone lights up as he is turning off the water from his shower.

Namjoon lays on his bed reading Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeon's Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Heart.

Soon enough Jin comes out walking of the bathroom wearing a towel around his waist.



" Think fast!" Jin throws a clean towel towards namjoon and hits the book that he was reading. His book falls on his chest as the towel lands on face showing his left eye.

"What?- Hey!!" Namjoon did not seem amused by what Jin did. Jin laughed anyways.

"Told you to think fast." Jin walks over to his closet and picks out his clothes for the night and tomorrow morning which will be soon.

Namjoon had gotten up already in annoyance that he couldn't finish his book. He was only 8 pages away.

Namjoon was in the bathroom when he heard Jin call out his name.



"Did Suga and Jimin come back yet? Its really late. 5:30 AM. We have practice at 10:00 . They should be here by now ,or should've been here by now." Jin hollered as he puts on a white T-shirt and Gray sweatpants.

"Uhhh....I don't think so. They both stayed behind in the dance studio practicing. Yoongi said something about Jimin wanting to make sure he doesn't forget the choreography for Spring Day. Don't worry Jin,They must've fallen asleep and Yoongi is carrying Jimin on his back. They just might be on their way here now."

"Hmmmm....I'm going to call Yoongi ,just yo make sure." Jin walks over to his phone as he turns it on he notices that he received a text message,from....Yoongi. He opens it quickly and reads it.

Namjoon walks out and goes towards his closet and looks for comfortable clothes.


Namjoon sighs as he responds "Yes Princess?"

"hurry up and get dressed. Have the others meet me In the van." Namjoon turns around and looks at Jin. Jin's eyes are filled with worry,fear,and anger. He sees the rage yet worry that Jin has as Jin dials someone as he puts on his shoes and walks out grabbing the keys for the van.

Namjoon feels utterly confused but does as he's told.

"Hey,wake up. V,Jungkook,come on." Namjoon shakes V first as he sees V waking up and goes over to Jungkook and does the same. "Meet me and Jin in the Van in 1 minute. I'm going to go wake up Jhope. Hurry! Its urgent!" And with that Namjoon left Jungkook and V half sleep to get ready and go to the van.

A minute later Namjoon,Jhope,V,and Jungkook walk out of there dorms and head in the Van where Jin is already behind the wheel and on the phone talking to....PD?

Everyone was so confused to what was happening but did as they were told. Once Jin heard them getting in the van and sitting down in their sits.

"Okay PD Hyung,Yes. Thank you. And again I am very sorry for this late notice ,it just happened. I just found out not too long ago. Yes,Yes,Yes of course we will. Alright. Until then. Goodbye." Jin cuts he phone call off as he Sighs deeply and puts on his seatbelt.

"Jimin's hurt."And just like that Jin said before everyone starts asking questions. Everyone was silent,until V spoke. "What?! What do you Mean Jimin's hurt?! Where is he?! Where are we going?! We need to help Jimin! Where's Yoongi? Is Yoongi with him? Is Yoongi hurt too?"

"Yoongi's fine. We are going to the dance studio. Yoongi is with Jimin at the dance studio. Apparently according to Yoongi. Yoongi and Jimin both stayed behind to practice more. But Yoongi fell asleep while he was watching Jimin dance. All that Yoongi said was that he woke up to a loud thump and Jimin was on the floor unconscious and breathing hard. Yoongi got jimin to regain consciousness but his in great pain and Jimin won't let yoongi call an ambulance,so that's why Yoongi sent me a message explaining all this that I am telling you. I called PD and explained everything to him already. I also called Suga and told him that we'll be arriving soon." Everyone stayed silent letting what Jin said sink in.

Jungkook was on the verge of tears due to him worrying about Jimin.

V was a bit angry at Yoongi's irresponsible action he took,but that feeling quickly faded as worry and fear took its place.

Jhope was hugging Jungkook and trying to comfort him. And Namjoon stayed still with his jaw dropped because he was the leader.

He usually does the calling and explaining but in this was Jin. Surprisingly.

Jin started the van and drove to the dance studio.

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