Carpool Concerts.

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I never had that moment.

You know the one, you're sitting on the hood of your dream car on a hill overlooking the town you called home with a perfect sunset glowing down on your skin. A moment where you could look at your friends sitting beside you and you feel invincible. The one where you're feeling overly philosophical and wonder how, even in a world so big, you can feel so infinite.

That wasn't my story. Not even close.

The truth is I don't have that much time. My family wasn't what you would call wealthy. When I was growing up we didn't have fancy things. I didn't have the newest clothes or the nicest car but what I did have a family that loved me.

Financial aid does not exist for the middle class. I learned that really early. I'm in my last year of college. I only have a few months left and a few classes. I work at a diner. I spend most of my nights there cooking so I can pay for my tuition.

"Emma! Two B.L.T's and two scrambled with bacon. Make them fast this tables fucking annoying." That's Ginger for you, she's your typical middle aged waitress. Sarcastic with a tendency to sneak out for way too many cigarette breaks.

Cooking at a diner is easy, half of the stuff is already prepared for you by the morning people you just kind of have to assemble it and heat it up.

I placed the order on the shelf ringing the bell to let Ginger know it was ready. She was half out the back door smoking another cigarette. When the bell rang she muttered something I couldn't quite make it out.

My shift ended at 2 AM. I didn't usually sleep much. I had class at nine and I almost always had some homework to finish and tonight was no exception. I finished cleaning up and snuck out the back door. We had to park at the end of the lot so the customers don't have to hike to get to the entrance.

Did you ever get the feeling that you're being watched? Just the sense of another presence with you. The kind a feeling that you get when you're walking alone in the dark and you can hear a twig break in the distance. It was that kind of night.

By the time I reached my car I was completely freaked out.

"Shit. Where's my keys?"

I dug through my bag only to find them all the way at the bottom.

"Hey!" I heard a female voice say directly behind me.

It scared the shit out of me. As soon as the sound of the "h" in hey left her mouth I jumped and dropped my bag. All of its contents scattered along the floor.

I looked up at her, my heart was still pounding from the heart attack she almost gave me.


She's beautiful, Her light brown hair was up in a messy bun and her eyes were a beautiful blue. Even at night they seemed to shine as the moonlight danced off of them. She was dressed like she just left a club but not in a slutty way. I couldn't help myself, I looked up and down her body. She was breathtaking. My thoughts were interrupted when she started laughing.

Was it because I checked her out?

"I'm sorry," she let out between laughs. "I didn't mean to startle you. I was wondering if I could use your phone? Mine is dead and I need to call my ride."

It took me a second to answer. Truthfully I was still staring at her eyes. I didn't date much I honestly didn't have a time between work and school. I guess you could say I was out of practice. My friend Tina always joked about me being forever alone.

"Yeah you can use my phone I think it fell under the car, I'm Emma by the way."

"Audrey." She said while she giggled.

She helped me collect all of my stuff that fell out of my bag. We found my phone behind my left tire and it was cracked to the point of no return.


That's gonna have to wait until payday before it could be replaced. Hopefully I could work a few more hours.

"I'm so sorry about your phone I really didn't mean to scare you." Audrey's tone was more sincere now. "Would you mind giving me a ride? I live about 20 minutes from here I can give you gas money."

I know what you're thinking, this is literally how I end up on a missing persons special on the channel 5 news.

But where I come from you don't leave a girl stranded in the middle of the night with no ride, even if she might be a serial killer.

"Yeah it's no problem, come on." I motioned for her to get in the car.

She gave me a brief run down of how to get to her place and I pulled away.

I could tell Audrey definitely wasn't shy. She had absolutely no problem performing a concert in my passenger seat. She turned up the music and sang and danced to every song she knew. Even after working the last 10 hours I found it hard to resist her when she started attempting to involve me in her concert.

"Come on Emma, live a little." She nudged while she was screaming the lyrics to 'Wait' by Maroon 5.

Anybody that knows me knows that I'm pretty quiet but, since there's a small chance that she might still be a serial killer and this might be the last night alive and the last time I could ever perform a concert in my car I decide to join her.

We laughed for a few minutes finishing out the song as I pulled up to her house.

And by house I mean mansion. Damn.

"Thanks for the ride Emma, and seriously didn't your parents ever tell you not to let strangers in your car?" She looked me directly in the eyes with a frighteningly serious expression.

For a brief second I thought I was going to die right there in my car. I was convinced she was going to pull out a knife and stab me in the neck.

Until she started laughing.

"I'm just kidding! Try and smile every once a while."

Laughing at me once again, she got out of the car and left me with my mouth hung open staring at her back as she walked off towards her house.

My mind was running a mile a minute trying to keep up with her.

Just as she reached her door she turned around and screamed in my direction.

"Sorry about your phone Emma!"

And with that she opened the door and entered her house.

I pulled away confused and smiling like an idiot. For just a few minutes I forgot about my bills, school, and rent. For just a few minutes I didn't feel so alone here. I wanted to tell someone about her but I'd probably never see her again and I was sure my friends would think I was crazy for even letting her into my car.

I went to check the time on my phone when I snapped back into reality. Class in the morning and work tomorrow night and I need a replacement phone.


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