Date Day Part 2

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Audrey and I continued to roam the streets of New York. The concrete jungle had so much to offer. Personally, I had been there more times than I could count. The difference was Audrey.  She made our visit unique. We walked through historical buildings and she made sure we stopped to enjoy all the small things. We immersed ourselves in what surrounded us; people playing music on the street, food trucks, horse and carriage rides. By the time dinner came around we were both starving.

Audrey had made us reservations at an Italian restaurant in Manhattan. We were greeted at the front door by a hostess who offered us wine while we waited for our server. It was a ritzy restaurant and I felt completely out of place. The people around me were dressed to impress. There was a man playing a violin in a corner. The overall atmosphere reminded me of something from the movie Titanic. I had hoped she wouldn't do something like this. She loved Italian food and so did I But this place was over the top. Originally it had been my intention to pay for our dinner but when I looked at the menu I nearly choked. It was written in Italian and the only print my eyes could find were the prices. Audrey must have caught on because she immediately said something.

"It's my treat Em. Just get what you want."

"Audrey seriously this place is expensive. I can't let you pay." I reasoned.

Audrey shook her head. She looked down at the menu and and back up to me a few times.

"I asked you to go out with me so I'm paying. You'll appreciate the food here I promise. Stop thinking about money and enjoy yourself." I nodded slowly. 'One day I could do something like this for her,' I though to myself.

The salad came out first and was shortly followed by our meals. I had a lemon chicken dish, which was cooked perfectly. Audrey had pasta in a cream sauce. We shared the food so we could both admire what was prepared for us. The food was exquisite and the wine Audrey ordered paired nicely with our meals.

While I finishing my food, I noticed Audrey watching me. Her blue breathtaking eyes watched me as I bit down on to my food and as I sipped from my glass of wine. The lighting in the restaurant was dim at best. Maybe it was the wine or the candle light but I had never wanted to kiss someone as much as I wanted to kiss her at that moment. A small smile sat on her lips. She looked satisfied and completely content.

I reached my hand across the table and placed it on top of hers. She intertwined her fingers with mine and I watched her flawless skin turn red at her cheeks. Time seemed to stop just for that moment.

"Audrey?" We both snapped out of our daze. We looked up to find a girl standing above us. She was beautiful and well dressed. Her hair was perfect as it draped down along one of her shoulders.

"Mary, how are you?" Audrey stood up and embraced her. "Mary, this is my girlfriend Emma. Emma this is Mary, she's a friend from college."

We exchanged some short pleasantries and Mary continued to talk to Audrey.

She asked about her life and some investments they had in common.

"Well let me know when you're ready for bigger and better." Mary glanced at me briefly before returning her glare to Audrey. "We always have a spot for you."

Even on a day as perfect as this the division between our cultures was completely evident. We came from different classes of life and Audrey's friends had no problem pointing it out. It bothered me more than it should have. It began to fester in my mind and I just wanted to leave.

While Audrey and Mary continued to talk I excused myself. I headed for the restroom. Once inside I leaned against the stall and tried to calm myself down. It didn't bother Audrey at all so why did it bother me so much? I didn't want people to think I was using her and I didn't want to feel like I wasn't good enough for her. A few minutes later, I heard the bathroom door open and someone talking on the phone.

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