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It was a busy afternoon in Bangtan Cafe. Most people were taking a short break from their works, but not for the seven boys. They were the busiest at that hour.

"Hachoo!" You sneezed for the fifth times in the corner. Your nose had gone red as you constantly rubbed them.

"Are you sick?" Jimin worriedly asked as he sat across you. Though he was very busy serving the customers, he still spent some time to talk with you.

"Yeah, but I'll be fine soon."

You wadded a shredded mass of tissues and tossed them into the nearest dustbin. But then a second later, you sneezed again, louder this time.

Some customers around you were startled by your loud sneeze, even Jimin.

"Sorry, imma wait for Daniel at the outside." You said before rushing out to leave, scared that the customers might feel uncomfortable having you around spreading viruses.

"Where's Daniel?" Yoongi asked while observing you from the counter.

Jimin carefully lifted the tray with a few cups on it before answering him, "He's on his way here."

He walked towards the customers and served the drinks with his angelic smile on. It was one of the reasons why they kept on getting more customers.

After that, Jimin returned to the counter with an empty tray in his hand. He stole a glance at you to see if you were still there but to his surprise, Taehyung was also there.

He quietly watched him handing his thick jacket along with a small cup of drink to you.

"Thanks, Taehyung-ie."

"Keep yourself warm. It's sad to watch you like this. See ya." He beamed before getting back inside to proceed doing his work.

Jimin knew that Taehyung was just being nice to you, but he couldn't help himself to feel a little bit jealous seeing how you exchanged smiles with his best friend.


Tik tik tak tik tak tak tik tik tak tik tak tik

Sounds of the keyboards and mouses being pressed and clicked echoed across the office. The place was a bit dull as you only shared the small office with Daniel who would only look at his screen.

You were doing your work on the laptop when something appeared and had completely blocked your view.

"What is this?" You frowned seeing a plastic bag being put close to your face.

"Jimin bought this for you." Daniel said and put it right in front of you before going back to his seat which was only next to yours.

Feeling excited, you quickly checked the content with your eyes flickered with anticipation. It made your heart warm as soon as you saw some medicines inside.

"Aww, why didn't he hand me this in person?" You pouted as you grabbed a bottle of water.

"Shy, I guess?" Daniel popped his head out, vanished, then appeared again with a shocked face on, "Wait, you are sick?"

You rolled your eyes at him, "We live under the same roof and you just knew?"

He shrugged, "Lucky you but poor Jimin, he did so much for someone who is obviously useless to him."

"He did so much? What do you mean?"

"Last week, when we were late and had no time to have breakfast, he was the one who sent the coffees and cookies for us. Also, when you forgot your wallet at the cafe, he rushed here to return it. Not only that, he even—"

Daniel came to a halt out of the blue leaving you hanging.

"He even what?" You groaned at the cliffhanger.

He bit his lower lip with a worried face on, "Man, I just remember that he actually told me not to tell you about this."

Unfortunately, it was already too late for him to take everything back, to rewind the time to seal his mouth before accidentally revealing the secret that Jimin had asked him to keep.

For the whole time, you never knew, that Jimin had been helping you out and taking care of you secretly.

"What else have he done? Tell me!"

You tried to force Daniel to reveal everything but he refused to say more. You two were about to have a small fight when a familiar voice stopped the two of you.

"You're sick?" Seongwoo who appeared out of nowhere asked while checking at the plastic bag with medicines inside.

You tried to snatch the bag from him but he quickly dodged.

"This is a cheap one. I'll give you mine." He raised his eyebrows at you.

"I don't care, give it back!"

He dodged it again when your hand tried to grab for it.

"Just listen to me."

"I don't need anything from you anymore, Ong Seongwoo."

He had changed a lot after the breakup. But you could see more changes on him once you hung out a lot with those guys living next door.

How did he find out? Well, Seongwoo and Daniel are close, really close.

A few minutes later, Seongwoo showed up again and gave you a small bag with lots of medicines in it. But of course, you rejected it.

"I want the one that Jimin bought for me." You sent him a glare.

"So his name is Jimin?" He scoffed, "Stop seeing him already."

He warned which was obviously not going to change anything.

"I'm not yours for me to obey you." You took your stuffs on the desk and left the office, leaving him dumbfounded and frustrated there.

He turned his head towards Daniel who then pretended as if he didn't hear anything.

"Tell me everything about that guy named Jimin."

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