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"Why are you still up, Park Jimin?" Yoongi asked in slow raspy voice.

He searched for his phone to check on the time and the sudden, bright light made his eyes squint. It was already 2 in the morning and Jimin was sitting quietly next to him. He seemed worried about something.

"I can't sleep." He answered shortly before turning his head to Yoongi whose eyes were already closed.

"Hyung, loving someone we truly love is easy, but learning how to stop seems impossible. Why?"

Sound of Jungkook's rattling snore filled the air while Yoongi wasn't responding at all.

Jimin heavily sighed, "I don't wanna give up on her. But it feels like, she's signing me to do so. And, it feels like I'm the only one who's chasing after her. What should I do now?"

Once again, no response from Yoongi. He opened his mouth again to say something but then unexpectedly got slapped in the face with a pillow.

"Your sad story is freaking annoying so shut up and let me sleep." Yoongi mumbled in frustration.

"I know. I'm annoyed too." He muttered before laying on his back.

Meanwhile in a place far from their house, little did he know, a woman was sacrificing her sleep for him.

"Seren, why are you still awake?" Asked Daniel. The aroma of fresh coffee and bright lights from your laptop screen had awoken him.

"They said we can return a day early if we get this job done pretty quick. That's why I'm staying up." You weakly replied and took a loud slurp of your coffee.

Your eyelashes were getting heavier, forcing your eyes to shut. But working hard for the person you love, would definitely worth it.

"Why do you want to return early?"

"I want to prepare something for Jimin. I won't have enough time to do it if we arrive home on Saturday."

"Okay then, good luck." He shrugged and leaned back against the soft pillow on the bed.

"I thought you were going to get off the bed and help me out!" You shouted in disbelief.

"You're the one who is in love with him, not me." He hugged another pillow on the bed, purposely showing off how comfortable and relaxed he was.

Seeing him like that made you wanted to lay your head down and sleep in peace. But for the sake of Park Jimin, you had to forget that wish. You took a deep breath and did your best to stay awake.

For three days straight, you only got like 3 to 4 hours of sleep. Thanks to your hard work, the two of you managed to return on Friday morning. On the way home, you kept on reminding Daniel to stop by the restaurant Jimin had booked for the dinner.

"What are you planning to do?" He questioned with a gleam of curiosity in his eyes.

"It's a secret."

Unsatisfied with the answer, he suddenly stopped by the roadside.

"If you don't tell me, I'm not bringing you there."

You turned to look him in disgust and groaned in defeat. You needed him to take you to that place as soon as possible. Offending him would just make things more difficult.

"I'm planning to surprise him with fireworks and--"

"Fireworks confession?! Are you going to do that also?!" He cut you off and made you blushed hard in an instant.

"That's it! Stop asking and let's get going!" You hit him several times until he finally drove off.


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