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I woke up early and dressed in a champagne knee length dress. I grabbed my heels and slid them on. The flight wasn't going to be too long so I wanted to look half decent for Brody.

I step into the bathroom and brush my teeth and put a little bit of makeup. I curl my dark hair and spray it with hairspray. I grab my phone and see that I need to leave. I grab my stuff and walk to the car.


I get there 30 minutes early and sit down and wait patiently. I hear my phone ding and I reach into my purse to grab it. I smile when I see it's a text from Brody.

Hey baby I'll be at the airport to get you as soon as you land. I love you. Be safe.

I smile and slide my phone back into my purse without texting back.

I walk to the bathroom and fix my dress. I look in the mirror for a long time it seems.

"Ireland is boarding." I hear the speakers say.

I walk to the plane and board. I sit down in the comfortable first class seat. The steward brings me a glass of wine and I sip it while I read my book.

I finish my book as the plane lands. I get off quickly and grab my stuff.

I sit down on a chair I see and catch my breath as I realize that I'm here in Ireland. I'm about to be with Brody.

What if he doesn't like how I changed? What if he thinks I'm ugly?

I shake off the negativeness and grab my stuff as I walk towards the front. When I don't see Brody I stop in my tracks.

I jump as a pair of strong arms wrap around me from behind. I'm confused as to who it is until the familiar cologne reaches my nose. I turn around and wrap my arms around him. I press myself against him hard and hold onto him.

He gently pulls away and places a soft hand on my cheek. He gently pulls me closer and presses his lips against mine. The kiss is as light as a feather and I crave more. My body instantly reacting to the need that I've rejected myself. I pull him closer and deepen the kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer.

I hear claps suddenly and I pull away. I look around to see that we had attracted a lot of attention. I feel the blush creep to my cheeks and Brody kisses my forehead softly with a light chuckle. He pulls me into a hug and I bury my face in his chest.

The clapping dies out and everyone spreads out again. Brody let's me go and looks at me hard.

"You've lost weight. You look good." He says with a smile.

"Thank you Brody." I say with a small smile.

"You've also grown up." He tells me. He picks my bags up and we start walking to his car.

"That's what happens sometimes." I tell him.

"Oh really? You've gotten cocky." he says as we reach his car.

"Well I've grown up Brody. I'm not the same girl I was back then." I say as he puts my bags in the back.

"I know. Your stronger and more beautiful that I ever remember." He says as he looks back at me with soft eyes. He pulls me into his body and wraps his arms around me.

The movement is fast and it shocks me. My arms wrap around him and I cling to him.

"Emma baby. You're the best thing to happen to me." He whispers in my ear.

His hot breath fans down my neck and the need is back and burning brighter.

"Brody let's get home." I say fast.

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