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I checked the time on my phone. CJ would be here any minute now, I looked at myself one last time in the mirror to make sure I looked okay. I was wearing a short black dress with some red shoes. I was never one for dresses, but he did say it was a date. My hair was out of the braids and I decided to wear my best wig. I think I looked okay enough, I grabbed my small bag and ran down the stairs. I walked into my mom's lab where she was busy working. She was staring into her microscope when I entered. "How do I look?" I questioned putting my hands on my hips.

She looked up from the microscope and took out her goggles giving me a smile. "You look like you are ready to break some hearts," she said. I gave her a smile also. I walked up to her giving her a hug and saying my goodbyes. The moment I stepped out, I heard the doorbell ring. I walked to the door and opened it. 

"Hi," I said awkwardly. He looked at me up and down giving me a smile. 

"Hi," he replied, "you look beautiful," I mouthed him a thank you. We then stood there staring at each other. It seemed kind of awkward now that we were officially going on a date. "Um..." he said after a while. "We should get going," I nodded my head and we stepped out. He walked me to his car opening the door for me. He went to the driver's side entering. "We could walk, but I know Ms. Bianca does not like to walk."

"I never said I didn't like to walk," he turned and looked at me. "I just do not quite enjoy it," I added awkwardly. He chuckled and started up the car. "So, where are we going?" I questioned him looked at the beautiful streets as we drove. 

"I don't know," he answered, "letting the stars guide me," he said. I raised my eyebrow, he pointed at the night sky. I looked up the stars. It looked beautiful tonight, he was definitely following the stars. The car suddenly stopped, "we're here," he said. I nodded my head and opened my door to look around. It was dark here only the moon's light shining. There were some trees around, I don't know why, but I did not trust the woods. CJ startled me when I heard one of the doors close. 

"Did you really follow the stars?" I asked him. 

"No," he said, "just a coincidence," I nodded my head. I still did not know why we were in a forest. "You okay?" He asked. I nodded my head, "you sure?" He asked again. 

"Um... not really," I said honestly. "I just don't feel too good about you taking my black ass to the forests," I added. 

"You think I am going to kill you and bury the body?" He inquired, "we are not going to the forests, we are going to have a picnic which is weird because I did not know if people had picnics at night. People mostly have picnics during lunchtime," he rambled. I chuckled shaking my head, he looked so cute talking about things I don't think even mattered. 

"I have no idea," I answered. He opened the back of his car door and took out the picnic basket. "So, are you sure it's safe here?" I asked him again looking around. The placed looked okay, but you can never trust the woods. 

"Yes, just follow me," he said. I nodded my head. He locked his car doors and started walking down one of the paths through the woods. I made sure to stay close to him, I couldn't believe I was afraid of a stupid forest. Something passed through my legs and I screamed, "what happened?" CJ asked me. 

"I think there's a snake," I said. He stopped and turned on the flashlight from his phone. He looked at my legs and it was just the leaf of a tree, "it felt like a snake," I said trying to excuse my behavior. He laughed shaking his head.

"Hop on," he told me.

"Hop on?" I asked him. 

"Yes," he told me, "hop on my back," I was in a dress, but I did have shorts under it so I guess that was fine. I was being a big baby about this and I needed to be carried. You could never deny a free ride, so I sighed and hopped on him. I got comfortable and he started walking. "So, you're afraid of forests, I'm sorry I didn't know, but I will remember from now on never to take you through one."

"It's fine, I think it's a stupid fear I need to get rid of," I wrapped my hands around his neck tighter putting my head down on his back. He walked through the last few of the trees and we were in an open area that seemed brighter than all of the forests. There was a lake and I could see the beautiful moon in it. I hopped down and walked to it looking at it, the water seemed so peaceful, it was surely beautiful. The walk through all these trees seemed worth it to get a view like this. 

"Do you like it?" CJ asked me. 

"No," I answered, he frowned, "I love it," I added. 

"Listen," he told me, "I stood in front of him waiting for what he had to say. "I'm new to this whole date thing," I nodded my head. "So, just be patient," I nodded my head again telling him I understood. "Probably should have known that you wouldn't like the forests, I'm sorry about that."

"No, it's fine. I'd go through the forests again if it meant, I get to see this. I'm serious Christopher James, this is perfect," I assured him. 

"Okay, then let's get set up," he told me. He went to the basket taking out a blanket and laying it on the floor near the lake. "Sit," he ordered. I took a seat crisscrossing my legs. He brought the basket over and he took a seat across from me. "What do you want to eat first?" He asked me, "cake, cherry, chicken?" He asked.

"You have chicken?" I asked him, he nodded his head. I quickly opened the basket and took out the bowl with deep fried chicken. "It's deep fried?" He nodded his head answering the question I already know the answer to. "What store did you get it from?" I asked him. I love deep fried chicken, but I am very specific about how I like it and it's very hard to find one that makes it exactly the way I want.

"I did it myself," he answered, "hope you like it," I raised my eyebrows. I did not know he knew how to cook, "I grew up in Alabama," he answered what I was thinking. "We love chicken, I don't, but people in Alabama do," he added. I took out a spoon and fork and took some of the chicken out.

"So, what foods do you like?" I asked him. 

"No food actually," he answered, "I'm not much of an eater."

"You don't like any foods?" I asked him to make sure.

"I like chocolate cake, the good ones, not the fake ones they sell at the store.  "After that, I'll eat anything, I don't care that much about food," I nodded my head. I was an eater, I loved food. I don't think I could live without my favorite foods. 

I took a piece of chicken putting it in my mouth. CJ looked at me waiting for what I had to say about it. I chewed it down swallowing it piece by piece, "so, what do you think?"


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