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4 years later


I closed the door and walked to my desk. I looked at everyone sitting in front of me, their eyes were staring at me waiting for an explanation. It was their first day at a new school, I was supposed to guide them in the right direction and hope that in four years they would all be walking across the stage. The only problem was, it was also my first day and perhaps I needed someone to also guide me. "Good morning everyone," I said. I definitely showed too much enthusiasm. A few of them murmured good morning back and the rest seemed like they did not even want to be here. 

"Welcome to High School," I told all of them, "it's my first year teaching so bear with me. I hope we can take this journey together," I looked around to see if they were interested. "Anyways, I am Mr. Wright," I told them my name when I realized I hadn't introduced myself. "I am an Alabama native, in fact, I went to this exact High School, I promise you it will be fun if you stay away from the wrong crowd," bad advice, my brain told me. 

One of the girls raised her hand, I grabbed the attendance sheet from my desk. They were sitting in alphabetical order just so I could learn their names. "Yes, Sara," I told her when I figured out her name. 

"What college did you go to?" She asked. 

"Alabama State," I answered her, she nodded her head and went back to staring at her desk. Everyone else started raising their hands. Now, they were suddenly interested in me.  "Yes," I pointed to the girl who was sitting in front of me.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I chuckled by her question. 

"That's a good question," I said trying to make it sound cool. "I do, do you have a boyfriend?" I asked her. She shook her head no, "that's good, stay away from boys. They are no good," she laughed. They continued to ask me questions, some were rather personal. But, I enjoyed this, I was also learning about them. 


I took a deep breath as I walked out of the building, today was a long day.  I hadn't been inside a High School in a long time especially the one I went to. It bought back memories, some good and some bad. I opened the back of my car as I put my bag inside. My phone rung in my pocket. I took it out to see a call from Bianca. I smiled, I pressed the answer button, "hello," I answered the phone call. 

"Hello," she replied, "how was your first day?" She quickly asked, "do they like you? Of course, they do, you are going to be a wonderful teacher," she did not even give me a chance to reply. 

"Um..." I said, "thank you," I did not know if it was a compliment or not. "This girl reminded me of you."

"Why?" She questioned, "is she the only black girl in your class?" Of course, she tried to bring race into it.

"No, I think she's white. She's just nosy," I told her, "asks a lot of personal questions."

"Wow," she said over the phone laughing. "Can I adopt her?" She asked.

"No, you can't," I laughed. 

"Whatever," she replied, "where are you now?"

"About to make my way home," I answered her.

"What about you turn around?" She questioned me. I raised my eyebrow of why she said that. I sighed but turned around regardless. "You don't think I would miss your first day, did you?" She asked. I smiled when I saw her standing in front of the school. She hung up the phone and walked towards me. I walked towards her also and gave her a big hug when we reached each other. 

I held onto her as if I had not seen her in years even though she was just here a few weeks ago, "what are you doing here?" I asked her as I continued to hug her.

"I wanted to surprise you," she said pulling away. "And guess what, I am officially on my vacation," I smiled and pecked her lips gently. She just finished playing in the Olympics with her team during the summer. I thought it would have been harder on us because we lived in two different places. She was constantly traveling all over the world to play, but I guess love really can conquer all.

We took advantage of the advanced technologies around us, we texted, talked over the phone, and video chatted. And we also got to see each other every few weeks. "We need to celebrate," she said with a smile.

"What exactly are we celebrating?" I asked her.

"Your first-day teaching," she replied, "welcome to the journey. The kids will give you headaches, you will be underpaid, but remember you are the backbone of our society." I did not think what she was trying to accomplish reached me.

"Um... that did not help," I told her.

"No?" She asked me.

"Nope," I answered, I pulled her towards me and kissed her roughly. "I'm glad you are here," I said as I pulled away. I was glad I met her, it did not matter if we were next to each other or not, we still loved each other. I did not know of anyone else I wanted to spend my whole life with other than her. She was my savior.

"I'm glad I am here also," she said to me, "let's go home, I'm hungry."

"Of course you are," I kissed her forehead and she laughed. 


I know many of you wanted to see them years later, married with kids, etc...

But no, I want you guys to imagine how the story finishes. Just know, four years later, they are both still following their dreams and happiness.

Thank you to all of you who read this story, be sure to check out my others.

Au Revoir...

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