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"So, you guys are official now?" Justin asked me as we wrote down the notes Ms. Brun was given. I nodded my head, Justin smiled and then chuckled. "I should become an official relationship counselor, I basically put you guys together," he said proudly. 

"Mhmm," I said shaking my head. He just gave me some advice about it, but he did not put us together. "Maybe you are," I said giving him the satisfaction. He nodded his head and looked at Ms. Brun who was pointing at the PowerPoint and explaining something I did not care to know. I doubted Justin even knew where she was, "did you decide on your school?" I asked him. He turned and raised his eyebrow, he had to send his answers to the schools he got accepted to by this week. "College?"

"Oh, yeah," he said, "starting at Brown in the fall," he said as if it was not a big deal of him leaving home. 

"Rhode Island is far from here," I told him.

"Yeah, but I've never lived somewhere other than Alabama, I think I'll like it," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"What about your family and Emma?" I questioned him. An emotion I did not quite comprehend ran through his face. He turned and looked at Emma and looked back at me. Sadness ran through his face and then he went back to his normal self.

"It'll only be four years."

"Guys, we will finish this later," Ms. Brun said making me bring my attention back to her, "have a great weekend and remember the girl's soccer team has their final game today. Come out and show some school spirit," she said with more enthusiasm than I expected. Just then the bell rung, one by one every one exited the classroom. I rushed and put my stuff together ready to leave. 

"I have to take care of something at lunch, but I will see you after school," Justin said. I nodded my head and I watched as he left the classroom. I grabbed my stuff and walked out also, CJ was not in class today. He didn't say he wouldn't be here and it was Friday. I wondered if he overslept, I shook my head. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and sent him a text to see if he okay.


"Southeast High has played an amazing game giving East high four goals," the spokesperson said over the microphone. The game was over, everyone in the team ran hugging each other. The first time they did that, I did not want to jump and hug them, but this time  I actually wanted to. We hugged each other not even caring that we were all sweating. The students did come to the game in full, I guessed all the advertisements the school has been doing paid off. 

I pulled away and turned to where my mom sat for most of my games and she was there and except this time she was not alone. She was accompanied by my so-called father, they both stood staring at me. My mom waved at me and I waved back, I looked at him giving him a frown. I walked towards the bleachers to them, "hey mom," I greeted my mom. I tried to give her a hug, but she pushed me away. I already knew it was because of my sweating, my mom hated that.

"Great game," my mom told me, "and that goal, honey you were amazing," she told me. I gave her a smile.

"Thank you, what are you doing here?" I turned and looked at my father.

"Your mom mentioned that you played and just wanted to come to watch. You are really good and-"

"Well you watched," I told him, "I do hope you enjoyed," I did not know what he expected. Him coming to my games was not going to change anything between us. He was still going to be a stranger and nothing else. 

"Yes I did," he replied. I could hear the sarcasm in his voice, I smiled. I did appreciate someone that could keep up with my sarcasm. Maybe I was truly his daughter, "your mom also mentioned that you guys do not celebrate Christmas, I was wondering if you'd like to spend Christmas with me. That way we can learn something about each other," I huffed shaking my head. I turned and looked at my mom, there was no way I was spending Christmas at his house.

"Yes honey," my mom nodded her head, "I have to fly to New York for work and I would not want to leave you alone."

"Mom," I groaned, "I can stay by myself," I said.

"No," my mom ordered, "you will not be staying by yourself, you will be spending Christmas at your father's. Enough with the attitude young lady, you want to convince me you can stay by yourself, but you are acting worse than a five-year-old right now," she said putting her hands on her hips. I knew she just put her mom hat on and there was officially no way, I could avoid this. However, I was not a little kid, she could not force me to go to his house. "Mature people do not sneak out in the middle of the night with a boy," she added. She really did not have to add the last part.

I had no excuse to give her now, "now you will be spending Christmas with him," I huffed again crossing my hands over my chest. I could see the small smile creeping up on his face. He was more than enjoying this. I couldn't believe this, I was being forced to spend time with a monster.

"Jackson," I heard my last name being called, I turned around quickly. My jersey said my last name, I supposed that's why someone called me that plus most of my teammates called me by my last name. A woman dressed in a nice suit appeared in front of me, "I am Kylie," she handed me her hand to shake and I did so. "I'm from the Women's soccer league and I had the pleasure of seeing your skills tonight," she said. "I know you are tired after that good game, but I would love to talk to you more about this so why don't you give me a call sometimes Monday," she suggested handing me one of her cards.

I grabbed the card and stared at it, "hope to hear from you soon," she said leaving my sight. I smiled and put the card in my pocket.

Bianca, get down here!" I heard one of my teammates called. I ran down back to the field to enjoy our victory some more.


"Congratulations," I heard CJ's voice say. I closed my car door and turned around. I was still in the parking lot of the school, he stood leaning on his car still in his work uniform.

"Thank you," I told him. "Kind of creepy to wait for me by my car," I told him. 

"Who says I was waiting for you?" He asked me coming closer. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Then what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I'm on break, thought I'd visit the school," he says turning and looking around as if it was the first time of him seeing the building. "It's looking really nice," he said. I chuckled shaking my head. 

"Why didn't you come to school today?" I asked him. I texted him to ask, but he didn't reply right away and I seriously have no idea where my phone is at this point. 

"My mom had a doctor's appointment, but I am fine. My incredible teachers emailed me the work I missed," I wished they did that for me when I missed a day. I doubted they would even try to do it, however, CJ was special. 

"Lucky you," I said, "how'd it go for your mom?" I questioned him. He stayed silent for a while not answering my question, he then looked up giving me a smile and nodding his head. "You sure?" I asked him. He didn't seem like everything went fine. 

"It's nothing," he said. "Look my break is ending in like ten minutes, I will see you-"

"Christopher James," I called him stopping him from saying anything else. Something was definitely wrong with his mom's appointment. He raised his eyebrows, "what happened?" I questioned him one last time. 

"According to her doctor, she is getting worse, but what does she know anyway?" He asked, "a mind is a tricky place and no one can ever truly understand it, we can only guess," he said. I knew what he was saying was facts, but I could still hear the hurt he felt. I came close to him giving him a hug, "Bianca, I smell like food," he warned me. I did not listen but just simply wrapped my arms around him. He took a while to return the gesture, but he did eventually.

"I don't care," I answered his concern, "you smell like shrimp, I love shrimp," I did love all seafood in general, actually I love all food. 

"Yeah, the special at work today is fried rice with shrimp," he said. 

"I am so sorry about your mom," I told him, he pulled away from me touching my face gently. 

"It's fine," he said, "just a little setback," I nodded my head. "I have to go now, but I will see you tomorrow afternoon, okay?" He questioned. I nodded my head, he pecked my lips and moved away from me. I entered my car and started to leave and I watched as he did the same.

His Savior ✔️ Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat