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The otherwise yellow desert was black at spots casting the shadows of the camels which were in a Carvan. Two soldiers mounted on the camels were looking carefully around for any slight change in that calm and hot desert. The hot sand anyways did not affet the camels who were busy doing what they do always. Walking to the destiny their master commands to.

Behind those two warriors Shehreyar's camel walked. Shehreyar held his head high but somewhere his heart knew that he has acted against his pride and he has no rights to hold his pride still. But he was the Sultan of course who had the audacity to question what he was doing. Like always his kingdom will remain the silent spectator of what he does.

Beside him his Salahkar was in a merry that something was changing in the Sultan of which he himself was unaware of but somewhere in his heart he knew there will be an end to the pain. The pain which has consumed his Sultan and made him an heartless dictator. A person who he never was.

His mind traveled back the time where Shehreyar was all happy  and more frequently smiling. A king loved by all and respected to the peak. He was the life of the kingdom and always thought about betterment of his people.

Where has that soul disappeared?' he questioned in his mind looking at the Sultan who was now aged beyond he should. Life can turn out to be strange. And  there was no doubt whatever happened in the past was strange and whatever was happening now was more strange perhaps weird.

No matter what he always prayed to the almighty that someday his King's heart will change and Ryah looked like that change. He always knew Ryah was special from the day he met her in her childhood when she had visited the palace with her father the Grand Vazir. What he did not knew then was that she will become the answer for his prayers.

Behind him there were four men who were carrying the palanquin which had Ryah and Salahkar's wife who had covered themselves with the hijab. Salahkar's wife was talking to Ryah about Shehreyar. While listening to his past she felt he wasn't as bad as he looked but hid a painful past which had turned him to a stone.

A small hope that someday he might turn to the old Sultan he was made the old lady's eyes moist. Ryah glanced at the old lady's wrinkled eyes through her netted hijab and placed her hand  on the lady's shoulder to console her.

The sun was moving as the day was passing and finally at the late afternoon the Carvan reached the Dargah.

It was a beautiful monument made up of brilliant architecture. The Jannat e firdose Oasis was surrounding it. It's sapphire color walls with the greenery across it made it soothing for the people who crossed the hot desert to reach it.

The Moulvi who was waiting for the Sultan's arrival rushed to the Carvan at the entrance and received them. Shehreyar looked at the hot sky for once and wiped his sweat while climbing down his camel.

The Salahkar was helped to get down from the camel. The four men walked in carrying the palanquin. Salahkar and Shehreyar walked inside while the Moulvi walked along with them feeling extremely happy for the Sultan's arrival after a very long time.

The alluring aroma of the incense sticks hit Shereyar's nostrils and made him close his eyes immediately feeling the divinity. Suddenly a memory passed his brain strings . He remembered how he used to visit the Dargah as a small kid and used to run across while his mother and father performed the rituals.

Life was so perfect. Why has it to take such a turn. Wish  he had any answer. But then you don't know how the destiny's patterns work. It is all about what you deserve and what the almighty wishes to grant you. The pain and the cure both are his . You have to accept them both.

The Moulvi blessed the new couple placing his hands over their heads after he finished reciting the Holy Quran. “Sultan” the Salahkar's wife spoke as they were heading out. Shehreyar turned to her. “Ryah has visited the Dargah for the first time. I wish I could take her around if my limbs  were stronger” she said feeling helpless holding her knees.

Moujza-e-uns( A Miracle Of Love) - RagSan TeVar Where stories live. Discover now