Chapter 8: Fo Shizzle

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Above: Tyler Posey as Jace Rivera. Honestly this was a no brainer for me. When I was brainstorming about Jace and what kind of character he was going to be, I instantly thought of Tyler to play Jace. He actually kind of looks like a Jace.

More character pictures coming soon! Enjoy Chapter 8!


Lia James

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this. If my Dad or anybody knew I was doing this, he would freak out." I told Eli, who led me into the hallway after I took his offer of leaving.

"It's not like we're escaping from prison." He rolled his eyes. I heard Andrew laugh in the background and I instantly shot him a look.

"You're pathetic." He said bluntly, and my jaw dropped.

"You're a troublemaker...Andy." I instantly shot back, and he made a face of disgust.

"I know I am." He rolled his eyes. "And Andy? Are you kidding me?"

"Fo Shizzle." Eli blurted out, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes. Everyone seems to call you Drew or Andrew. I need something to call you so that you'd be annoyed." I said, giving him a fake smile.

"I know something I could call you." I heard a voice behind me say. I identified it as Shelby, as she ran up to Andrew, locking her hands around his arm.

"Yeah? And what's that?" I replied sarcastically.

"I just thought it was so hilarious how in Anatomy, Mr. Gale called you Lie-a instead of Lee-a. It sounds like, Liar. Don't you think?" She spat, and I felt my body turn cold.

You were the only one who was lying. I thought, and contemplated about saying it to her face but Eli beat me.

"Can you guys stop fighting? Or at least just learn to get along for the next half hour?" He asked us, looking completely drained from our bickering.

"I don't want to be here, with them. At least with you, I can tolerate." I whispered to Eli.

"I hate to say it, Lia, but if you want to hang with me, you have to understand that Drew comes with it." He shrugged, and opened the door to what looked like the auditorium.

"Are you guys taking me here to kill me or something? Because I will stop calling everyone annoying names if that's what it takes-" I babbled.

"I say we duck tape her on the mouth to get her to shut up." I heard Andrew, sorry Andy whisper to Eli.

"I heard that, Andy-Bob." I mocked and his nostrils flared.

"You were suppose to, LeeLee." He mocked right back, and I looked at him like it didn't affect me.

"Eli, can you tell us why we're even here? I told you that I had to file my nails before I went home." Shelby complained, and everyone except Andrew rolled their eyes.

"What happened to the rest of the group?" Eli asked his best friend, who casually shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"Their getting beers from the car. And a couple joints."

Eli led us up to the stage and set up multiple chairs for everyone to sit at. They were positioned in a circle, like in a therapy group. Time had past since we left the detention room, and the other guys came back with beers and weed for everyone to smoke. I politely declined both, and I saw Andrew's eyes casually drift onto me, narrowing as I kept declining both objects.

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