Chapter 44: Ruin My Life

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Lia James

He was here. Andrew was here.

He hadn't changed one bit. Except for minor details like a five o'clock shadow and bags under his eyes, but he was the same broody bad boy that I've come to love.

His hair was extra curly tonight, and he didn't even bother to put up his curls so they hung in a clump on the side of his head. It made my mouth water with intensity.

I couldn't quite see his face because the light cascading through my room from outside didn't hit him quite exactly. He stood hidden in the corner, unable to configure sentences or even words.

"Andrew." I said, almost breathless.

He began walking toward the strip of light in my room, and when I finally saw his handsome face, I nearly melted into my bed. He still was the most beautiful person in existence.

"Are you even real?" I whispered to him. He still couldn't find the right words to say.

Just say something, Andrew.

"Well, it wouldn't be a shocker if you were dreaming about me." Was all he said before I thrusted myself out of my bed and launched myself into his arms.

I hugged him with every ounce inside me, throwing my legs around his waist, as he held me up high. He put his face into my neck, breathing in deeply, like he finally knew my scent after being apart for so long.

"H-How are you h-here?" I said, my smiling taking away from me talking to him.

"My Audi?" He teased, and I wanted to smack him so bad. But I resisted because I just got him back and I didn't want to hit him after all this.

"This is no time to be an asshole, Andy."

"No, I have an asshole. I can't particularly be one." He put me back down on my feet, after I felt like I was flying.

"You're so funny, Andrew." I rolled my eyes jokingly. "God, I missed you so much."

"You have no idea how much I missed you, Lee-Lee. I dreamed about this moment. Being able to hold you in my arms again. It's exactly how I pictured it."

"So, you're dreaming about me too?" I wiggled my eyebrows, and he bit his lip enticingly.

"Ever since the day I left." He confessed, and I gasped.


"Of course. Well, at first it was the thought that you hated my guts, but then it changed to how much I missed you and it took everything in me to walk away from everything I had."

"What did you have, Andrew?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Just...let's not talk about that right now. Let's talk about that fact that I'm here and I'm never leaving again."

"You better not, Price. Or I'll kick your ass." I punched him playfully.

"Oh, will you now?" He grabs my arms, pushing me to the wall, and putting them above my head.

He leans his forehead against mine, as my breathing heightened and I could feel myself drowning in him. Everything about him was consuming. The wicked look in his eyes, the smolder that could make any girl weak in the knees, and the way he bites his lips.

I wanted to kiss those lips so badly. Ever since I was dared to kiss him by Eli, I couldn't help but think about how amazing it would be if our lips connected.

Would their be butterflies? Would it feel like fireworks were exploding above our heads? Would the stars and the moon dance in the sky?

"What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" He scans my face. I look at him through my eyelashes.

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