Chapter 18: Run!

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Above: Zendaya Coleman (my queen) as Jade Stewart. This was a no brainer, because I've always wanted to include her in my stories. She is so amazing. So, if I use her more than once in my future stories, don't get mad. I just love her so much, she's such a great actress.

Moving on...chapter 18!


Lia James

The metal gate opened with a short click, before it moved to the side. As the boys all began to enter, I got the chills. The atmosphere is so eerie at the moment, it's like one second a wolf could catch us and eat us for lunch.

But I'll definitely save that idea for my Teen Wolf marathon I plan to have in my bed on Saturday.

I was the last one to enter the maze, and I quietly followed behind. I made sure I had a short following distance, so that I wouldn't get lost. These guys knew this place by heart, they knew all the shortcuts and secret hidden spots.

"Ow! Okay, there's a sunflower right here. Don't hurt I did." Eli advised, and I took initiative to make sure of it.

"So, is this place still used? Do people come here?" I asked the group, who's eyes were towards the narrow walkway.

"During the summer, yeah. But we make it ours all the other seasons." Andrew spoke softly, and I heard the occasional raspiness of his voice come out.

It soon fell silent after that. All that could be heard was the sound of the night sky, and the crickets chirping in the ground. It was still eerie, but at least it was peaceful.

After minutes of walking around mindlessly, we reached a patch of dirt, probably about the size of a small bedroom. It was big enough to fit all five of us, and even gave us plenty of room for us to sit down next to each other.

The bright yellow sunflowers stood so tall, I could barely see about a few feet ahead of me. It was like at any moment, they could swallow me whole, and drag me into darkness.

"Is this the part where we sit down in a circle and tell each other ghost stories while shining flashlights on our faces?" Nick put his hands on his hips in triumph, but we all knew he was being sarcastic.

"Asshole." Andrew muttered under his breath. Nick smacked the back of his shoulder.

Everyone began to sit down, one by one, they sat cross-legged on the dirt, not having a care in the world if it got on their pants.

"Sit down." Eli patted the spot next to him.

"On the dirt? I'm wearing my softball outfit, I can't afford to get this dirty." I gestured to the gray fabric that wrapped around my thighs and ankles.

"Don't you get those dirty anyway in games?" Julian asked, and I heard a faint snort from Andrew. He was so pathetic.

"I like to preserve them before the first game. Plus, these are new, I just got them a few days ago at the store." I whined, and I saw Julian get up from the spot in the dirt.

"Good thing I brought supplies." Julian nodded his head, and began to dig into his Nike backpack.

When he retrieved what looked like a soft blanket, he laid it out in front of us, and gestured for us all to sit down on it.

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