the note (part 2)

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---Keith's pov---
It's been a few day since Lance's death...

Lotor laughed when he heard the news. So did his gang... They were proud...

Proud to have killed him

Shirt and allura acted like it wasn't their fault at all, that they did nothing to make him do this, that they didn't kick him and punch him and tell him he was disgusting...

Pidge and hunk are distraught... They won't stop crying. They haven't in weeks. I'm starting to get worried about them. They regret everything... They hate themselves so much now I'm cared they'll do what he did...

I'm scare that I'll do what he did...

I haven't cried much... I feel like I should and I feel like crying forever but... The tears won't come. I just feel numb.

So fucking numb.

Lance is gone

Gone forever

And it's all our fault. We did this.... It's all our fault.

We killed someone...

I killed someone

I'm a murderer...

I miss him so much... But I can't cry not matter how hard I try to...

I can't feel anything and it's killing me

I stand in the rain in front of his coffin. My suit is soaked and so is my hair. I stand sullenly in front of the wooden box and place a hand on it.

"I'm so sorry Lance... I wish I had some things differently... I wish I could have saved you. I love you".

I lean down and kiss the coffin gently.

I feel a hand touch my back and I look up to see hunks puffy face. He pulls me into a hug and cries.

I don't return the hug... I can't let myself be comforted... I don't deserve it.

I stand in silence as the coffin is lowered into the ground

My heart feels like it's broken in to million of pieces.

I'm so angry, so hurt, so sad, so guilty, everything is fighting to gain control and they all blurring into one.

Maybe that's why I can't really feel anything...

As the service finishes I get into the car with shiro and his dad. (They're only in school gotta have an adult here)

"I want him to come back Shiro... I miss him so much already and it's only been a few days... What do I do?" I ask quietly.

"You'll get through it" he says quickly.

That's not what I needed him to say...

I walk into my room and close my door, I take one of Lance's jackets he left here and put it on. I climb onto my bed and curl up in the corner. I stare at my wall.

His coat smells like him...

"Lance... I'm so sorry" I mumble.

"I know mullet... It's ok" I hear someone say quietly.


I turn around as fast as I can and I see Lance sitting in the chair at my desk.

"Lance!?" I cry.

"Yeah it's me... I'm sorry Keith"

"Y-you have nothing to be sorry for" I say sadly. "We- we did this to you"

I get up off the bed and wlak over to him.

I reach out hesitantly.

Lance puts his hand up and I press my hand to his.

I can feel him

"Are you really here?!" I ask my body shaking.

"That depends what here means" Lance answers looking down sadly.

"Look keith... Don't feel guilty ok... It's alright" he says quietly. He takes my hand. "I don't want you to feel guilty for something I did" he whsipers looking up to me.

"Bu-but it's my fault" I say.

He shakes his head.

"No it's mine... Just please Keith, keep living ok? Keep living for me... Live a full life, go to school, travel, follow your dreams, find love, have a family, for me" he says smiling sadly.

I tighten my grip on his hand.

"Tell the others to do the same... Tell them not to cry over me. Tell them I love them ok?"

I nod slowly.

"Why did you do it Lance...why did you?" I ask quietly my hands shaking and my heart clenching.

"I was tired Keith... So tired. I didn't want to live anymore... i had not reason to... But you do. Don't let my death destroy your life. Don't make the same mistakes I did" Lance says smiling sadly. He stand up out of the chair still holding my hand.

He puts a hand on my cheek.

"You're to special to die..." Lance whispers.

He leans in and his lips meet mine.

I sit up like a bolt in bed and look around my room in panic, searching for Lance.

My room is dark.

I switch on my light quickly.

He isn't here...

I being a hand up to my lips slowly.i can still feel him. His hand in my own, his hand on my cheek... His lips on mine....

I curl up and wrap his jacket tightly around myself and finally....

I cry

There you go! A part two to thre note!!! I nearly cried so many times writing this
I don't know if this is what you guys meant by a part two but ye.


Also would anyone be interested in a Q+A or a face reveal or something cause I've seen others do it 😂😂

And two onshots in on say!!!!
!!!Woot woot!!!

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