what am i? (part 2)

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I creep into my house quietly and creep up the stairs making sure bit to step on the creaky step in the middle.

If I wake anyone I know I'll get an earful from my mother and if my dad is still awake he'll ask me where I've been and he doesn't like Keith...

I get to my room and sigh deeply as I close my door.

I turn and look at my bed like it's my savior and I run and jump onto it.

I feel really content and I end up falling asleep early.

Well early for me... 3am

---next day---


I continue walking down the path to the lake.


I stop and remember that I'm lance. Lance is me! Keith!

I turn around quickly and see Keith and his red jacket running down the path towards me.

I smile brightly.

He reached me and doubles over panting and catching his breath

"Sorry Keith I forgot that my name is lance" I say laughing.

"It's ok man I was about to call you the wrong name" Keith pants. He stands up straight and smiles at me.

"Well you remembered better then I did" I laugh.

We continue walking down the path to the pier... Our place we love.

When it's sunny is so amazing to just sit on the edge and dangle our feet in. I've even caught minos on my hands here before, Keith was terrified of them.

We walk down the pier and sit at the end of it, taking off our shoes and socks and rolling up our trousers.

I slip my feet into the water and dangle them around, fish are swimming away from the ripples my feet make. I like watching the fish... Their only problem in the world is swimming and staying out of the way of big fish.

Humans are so complicated

We sit in silence for a bit until Keith coughs.

"So I have something for you that might help you with disphoria" he says sheepishly.

He opens up his back pack and pulls out a grey woolly beanie. His favourite one.

I look at it curiously.

Keith smiles.

"Tie up your hair in a high ponytail" he says grinning.

I do as told and tie it up

Keith pulls it forward and puts the hat over it. He fiddles with it for a couple minutes and I sit patiently.

"See!! Short hair!" He says throwing his arms up and smiling after he's finished.

He takes out his phone and takes a picture of me.

He hands me the phone and I smile

Suddenly I do that laugh where you close your eyes and clutch your stomach. I love it to bits but I'm just so unused to seeing myself like this somewhere other then my head.

I open my eyes and see Keith staring at me.

"What is it? Is there something wrong with my face? Does h hair not suit me?" I ask nervously.

His cheeks go red and he looks away, at least I think they went red. "No! No it looks great!" He says quickly.

He starts to fiddle with his hair. "It suits you"

I smile and play with the front of it a little.

Keith coughs and looks back to me

"I've found a website that delivers free binders for trans kids who need them! Its free shipping and it ships to so many different countries! I think we should sign you up" Keith says determined.

"But I can't get a binder delivered to my house. My dad and mam would freak and ask me what it is and how I paid for it" I sigh.

"I researched it! I read everything and it says you can do deliveries to your friends houses! You can get it delivered to my house" Keith says. His eyes are glimmering with excitement.

I stop for a moment and think about it, going over the possibilities.

"You really think this can work?" I ask hesitantly.

He nods enthusiastically.

"Definitely!!" He says grabbing my shoulders. We both almost fall into the lake he shakes me so hard.

"Well... Feel free to sign me up then, what's the website?" I ask once we've steadied.

"It's organisation is called point of pride and the website is point5cc.com" Keith says bobbing up and down excitedly.

(This is an actual website if y'all need a binder but don't have the money or have transphobic parents)

"You just have to fill in the form online and whammo!! You're on the waiting list!" He throws his hands up and laughs.

This is so incredibly unlike him I don't get it.

"Why are you so... Different today?" I ask confused.

Keith stops abruptly and looks away.

"I'm not. I'm just excited for all of this, I want you to feel comfortable in your own skin" he says quietly. "Your my best friend".

I smile.

"Thank you for supporting me".

I stand up from the lake and brush my butt off from the stones.

"Where are you going?" Keith asks.

I dry my feet quickly and pull in my socks. "Let's go to a shop. I want to buy... I want to buy..."

I take a deep breath.

"I want to buy... boxers" I say as firm as I can. "But I need you to go up to the front desk... I'm too scared" I say my breathing hitching.

"Of course"

Another chapterinoooo finishtino
Wtf am I saying...
Anyway! This is the second partttt it isn't that great but it's Friday so I decided to write something
(Also that website is totally legit I signed up for it and I'm on the waiting list)

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