Hot Stalker

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Aloha my loves, how is everyone today? I hope you all are doing great, and just know that I love each and every one of you. Muahhhh
The guy in the pic plays Issac...Leave some feedback!



Melanie awoke to the sound of her name being called, and to the worst neck ache that she had experienced in her entire life. She sat up with partially closed eyes, not seeing that the stranger sitting on her bed was not Payton.

As a matter of fact, she wasn't even in her own bed.

"Payton, I had the weirdest fucking dream. You're not even going to believe it."

Melanie opened her eyes, only to be met with green ones, not blue ones like her friends.

She screamed...Loud enough to cause the stranger in front of her to cringe. He covered his ears, shooting her a glare that basically said shut up.

Melanie stopped screaming, only to find her hand itching her neck. She pulled back in shock when she felt it sting. Her hand was drenched in blood. And not only was her hand red like corn syrup, she had claws.

"What the hell!" She yelled, scampering back into the corner of the bed. She stared fearfully at her rather sharp nails.

The stranger watched Melanie flip out over her claws, however it was nothing short of what he had expected. As a matter of fact, he was surprised when she didn't pass out. He stared at her, waiting for the girl to calm down even for a couple of seconds.

When she finally stopped hyperventilating, the stranger tried to talk. But Melanie beat him to it.

"Who in the bloody hell are you?" She shrieked, cowering in the corner at even the most remote movement. "What did you do to me?!" She screamed at him, almost screaming again when the stranger slammed his hand over her mouth.

"If you would just let me talk," He hissed, "I'll explain everything."

The petrified girl stopped screaming, but still stared at the boy in terror. She looked at him as if he was a feral animal.

He almost was.

"My name is Issac Scott, in case you were wondering."

Issac paused to see if Melanie had anything to say but she didn't. She just sat in the bed, dumbfounded.

"And any minute now, you're going to undergo a change. So I'm going to try to explain everything before that happens-"

Issac got cut off by Melanie, who had finally found her voice.

"What happened to me last night?" Her voice quivered as she stared at him with giant eyes. She looked vulnerable with her brown eyes clouded over with confusion and fear.

Issac felt sort of sorry for the girl, but he knew in a couple of weeks she would be grateful for this.

"You were attacked," He answered. Melanie's eyes got even bigger if possible.

"By...a bear?" She said, more like she was asking.

Issac chuckled a bit, glancing at the ceiling with a smile before he looked back at Melanie.

"No," He paused, "By a werewolf."

"A what?"

"A werewolf," Issac stated. He said it as if it was a casual conversation, as if he wasn't talking to a girl who was still a human the night before.

"A werewolf?" She asked, staring at the boy who she now thought was a bit delusional. "You're insane."

Melanie didn't say anything, making a plan in her head to escape.

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