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i belong with you and only you

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i belong with you
and only you

J A C O B HESITATED BEFORE ANSWERING HER, HIS DARK BROWN EYES STARING INTO EDEN'S. THE TWO LOVERS HANDS were tightly clutched together. A permanent frown on his beautiful face as the waves near them echoed between the two.

"Eden, we were finally getting together and suddenly, you slipped between my fingers," Jacob explained sorrowfully before pausing, "of course I'd do and say anything that'd make you stay." His brown eyes are started to tear as desperation tore into him. He clutched Eden's hands even tighter. Jacob was on the urge of tears if Eden couldn't forgive him. If his own imprint couldn't forgive him then how could he live with himself knowing that? And that ate Eden alive.

"It was an asshole move" She finally said after a moment of silence, instead of pushing him away as she once would've, the were-coyote snuggled closer into his arms.

"It was an asshole move" He agreed and laid his chin onto her head. The sun was setting and it was slowly becoming cold, however this wasn't an issue for the two.

"Never again." Jacob promised, she squeezed his hand and let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry for ignoring your letters, just know it killed me each time" She whispered, her heart aching for him. Those months were one of the worst times of her life. She'd wake up from the pain of not being near her soulmate, pain that followed her when she'd ignore his letters and messages. He squeezed her hands as if to say it's fine.

"And I'm sorry for leaving you, I'm at fault too"

"It's okay baby" He whispered into her ear before softly kissing her cheek. Eden's cheeks turned rosy pink and the two lovers stood there, embracing each other. For once, she didn't feel coldness surrounding her instead she felt warm. A smile graced her face as she snuggled into Jacob. They've spent a lot of time apologising to each other, and now maybe they can finally be happy, just embracing each other.

"I guess we should go back to Bella now" Eden sighed as she layed her head onto Jacob's shoulder. She wished she could stay with Jacob forever like this but Bella was waiting for her and she could enjoy Jacob's presence later. He let out a groan before getting up and reaching his hand out to his imprint, to which she happily grabbed.

The couple walked to the Black house where Bella waited patiently. The energy between the two was filled with love and happiness making Bella smile. She knew Eden didn't deserve all the trouble to finally be happy with Jacob and she regretted that she took a part in hurting Eden, no matter how many times Eden would reassure her Bella would always blame herself for the pain she experienced.

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