Chapter 15: His Favorite Girls

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Stan's POV


"Hey dad" She was still wearing a confused look on her face.

"What are you doing here?"

"Debra let me in before she left." She spoke to me, but she had her eyes glued to Lori with a curious look on her face. I looked at Lori and she looked embarrassed.

I grabbed Lori's bag she packed off the floor and gave it to her, I lead her to the stairs and told her how to get to my bedroom.

"Are you sure?" She looked like she wanted to be anywhere else but here.

"Yes. Go on up and unpack your things. I'll be there soon."

She didn't say a word and just turned and left up the stairs.

I ran a hand through my hair and went back to the living room. Jamie was still in the same position. I sat in a chair across from her and sighed heavily.

"Jamie what are you doing here, not that I don't love your company, but why didn't you call first?"

She chuckled a little. "Really dad? I think I should be asking the questions don't you think?

"Jamie" I said as calmly as I could.

"I can't believe you dad, this is just disgusting."

"Jamie!!" I yelled. I took a deep breath and lowered my voice. "You need to stop right now cause you don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh no? So this isn't you paying for some whore?"

"No! And don't call her that again! I'm not paying for random whores. Me and her happen to be dating." Jamie looked shocked at first but then back to mad.

"God dad that's even worse. Has it occurred to you that she might be a gold digger?" I stood from my chair and pointed at her.

"Jamie I'm telling you for the last time to stop talking about her like that!" She sat there silent. I've never yelled at her this much before. I calmed myself down and sat next to her with my face buried in my hands. "Look I know what it may look like when you first see us, but I promise it's not that. I'm not paying her and she's not with me just because I'm rich." I looked up at Jamie. "We love each other."

Jamie studied my face for a while as if she was trying to figure out if I was telling the truth. Her expression changes from angry back to confused.

"You're not some kinda pervert are you dad?" I laughed a little and nudged her with my elbow.

"Of course not." And we laughed together.

"This is crazy I hope you know that. What is she like 3 years older than me?"

"Psshh no" I say all dramatically. "....4." She rolls her eyes and chuckles.

"Oh yea cause that's ssooo much better." I gave her hand a little squeeze and thanked her for understanding.

"Well I still feel weird about her but I'll agree to be nice and try my best to understand."

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